NOTE: Reader, before you browsing to reading please make sure you read fanfiction in here according to your age. If you not yet 17 yo, we suggest you to read fanfiction with rating G, PG-13, PG-15. Rating NC-17 and NC-21 just for addult. Please follow this rule shake your self!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Eternity part 10 -Surprise-

Title                             : Eternity part 10 –surprise-
Categories                   : Multichapter
Genre                          : Romance
Rating                         : NC-21. If you don’t like. Just don’t read.  I warn you
Theme song                 : Hurry Up  – Hey Say Jump
Cast                             : Inoo Kei
                                      Hikaru Yaotome
                                     Machiruu Yaotome (OC)
                                     Yabu Kota
                                    Yamada Ryosuke
                                     Megumi Sakurada (OC)
                                    Nakayama Yuma
Disclaimer                   : all cast are not mine, the story is mine
Synopsis                      :
            Entahlah, aku merasa bahwa ada sesuatu yang tak beres pada diriku. Tuhan menciptakan kita semua berpasang-pasangan. Besar dan kecil, tinggi dan rendah, sedih dan bahagia, serta laki-laki dan perempuan. Semua ada untuk melengkapi satu sama lain. Sudah hampir lebih dari setengah hidupku tak terlengkapi seperti ini. terbawa oleh alunan kebekuan hasratku pada kaum pelengkapku dan mencari subtitusi dalam sejenisku. Aku merasa bahagia namun tetap tak merasa lengkap. melihat orang yang kusayangi yang sebentar lagi menikah dengan adikku. Aku bahagia sekaligus iri. Melihat hidup mereka penuh dengan cinta, cinta yang selama ini kudambakan. Karena itu, aku memutuskan untuk keluar dari dunia subtitusi pelengkapku dan mencari sebuah kehangatan cinta, pada seorang wanita. Kau tau? Ini bukanlah sebuah pelarian atau pun sebuah penantian. Tapi ini adalah sebuah perjuangan, untuk lepas dari dekapan kegelapanku.
“kenapa …. Kenapa harus dengan nii-chan …” Ruu berdiri di hadapan Hikaru sambil menangis. Inoo telah pergi saat itu untuk suatu urusan. Kakak beradik itu kini bicara empat mata namun tak seperti bersaudara. Hikaru tak mau menatap wajah adiknya itu. dalam hatinya ia sangat ingin memiliki Inoo tetapi ia masih sedikit memikirkan Ruu.
“dunia memang terlalu sempit. Mungkin inilah takdir.”
“tidak nii-chan !! kau tidak ditakdirkan untuknya !! dia seorang laki-laki dan ….”
“LANTAS APA HUBUNGANNYA DENGAN ITU!!” Hikaru memotong kalimat Ruu dan membentaknya.  “dengar Ruu, orang yang disukai Inoo adalah aku. Apa kau mau Inoo selamanya hidup tidak bahagia?”
“tentu saja tidak”
“kalau begitu biarkan saja tetap begini” Hikaru mulai meninggalkan adiknya untuk mengalihkan suasana.
Ruu terdiam, mengepalkan kedua tangannya.
“tidak nii-chan !!”Ruu mulai memberanikan diri. Hikaru membatalkan langkahnya kemudianmenengok kea rah adik perempuannya itu.
“Kei, dia milikku. Dia suamiku. Dan hanya aku yang boleh memlikinya !! tidak peduli …. Tidak peduli seberapa besar hasratnya untuk selalu berada di dekatmu. Aku yakin seuatu saat nanti Kei hanya akan menjadi milikku. Karena kita sudah ditakdirkan untuk bersama sejak kecil.”
“apa?! jadi kau …”
“ya, sudah lama aku menyembunyikannya. Sebenarnya, aku ingat siapa Kei, aku ingat masa kecil kami, kejadian waktu kami diculik dulu. Tak lama sesudah aku bertemu dengannya di taman ria itu”
“nii-chan, ku mohon. Hentikan semua ini. ini semua tidak benar”
“Ruu. Kau memang dari dulu tak berubah. Manja, egois, selalu ingin menang, dan selalu kau yang diutamakan ayah dan ibu”
“nii-chan… itu tidak benar…”
“ya itu benar Ruu. Kei menikah denganmu pun atas usaha ayah dan ibu yang merayunya. Tapi…. wajar saja, sebab kau anak kandung mereka…”
“nii-chan, ku mohon.. jangan bahas itu lagi …”
“sudah ya, sudah malam. oyasumi… adikku tercinta…
Ruu menangis saat Hikaru berbalik meninggalkannya. Ia menutupi wajahnya dengan kedua telapak tangan. Depresi melihat keadaan keluarganya yang sekarang. Keluarga yang ia bayangkan akan indah dan lengkap, malah berada di ambang kehancuran, terlebih lagi karena kakak laki-lakinya sendiri.

Keesokan harinya

“dokter, ku mohon. Apa ada caranya?” Ruu duduk di depan meja dokter kandungan sebuah Rumah Sakit ternama. Rupanya ia sama sekali belum menyerah untuk mendapatkan seorang anak. Dengan itu semua, mungkin Inoo akan bisa melupakan Hikaru dan melanjutkan hidup mereka.
“maaf nyonya, semua cara sudah kami coba. Bahkan program bayi tabung anda dengan tuan Inoo juga sudah dicoba namun hasilnya tak bisa”
“tak adakah cara lain?”
“hampir semua cara sudah kami coba”
Ruu terdiam. Ia menahan airmatanya, tak tahu lagi harus berbuat apa. Inoo pernah bilang bahwa ia sangat ingin memiliki seorang anak dan sampai saat ini Ruu belum bisa mengabulkannya. Mereka berdua sudah berkali-kali memeriksakannya ke dokter namun belum berhasil. Tak ada yang salah dengan system reproduksi Inoo tapi sepertinya ada sesuatu dengan Ruu.
“nyonya, sebenarnya ada satu cara yang mungkin bisa dilakukan”
“tapi … cara ini jarang dilakukan orang banyak..”
“apa itu dok?”
Dokter itu berdiri mengambil sesuatu dari lemarinya, sebuah kotak kayu dengan huruf kanji china. Dia menatap wajah Ruu yang penuh harap dengan ragu-ragu.
“sebenarnya, saya dulu juga pernah memiliki masalah yang sama dengan anda. Anatomi tubuh istri saya sama persis dengan anda. Tetapi saat ini saya dikaruniai seorang anak perempuan.”
“benarkah, kalau begitu …”
“tetapi obat ini belum dipatenkan nyonya, dan tak ada yang berani mematenkannya. Lagipula ini beresiko besar.”
“hal itu tak menyangkal kenyataan bahwa sekarang dokter sudah mempunyai anak kan? apapun akan saya lakukan … untuk suami saya …”
“baiklah jika anda sudah menerima apapun resikonya. Minum obat ini satu buah sebelum anda berhubungan dengan suami anda.”
“bailah. Terimakasih banyak dokter. Terimakasih…” Ruu mulai mengeluarkan airmata harapannya.
“semoga nyonya mendapatkan yang terbaik…”

Malam harinya Ruu menyiapkan apa yang dokter itu bilang. Ia pergi ke salon pada sore hari untuk membersihkan tubuhnya dan mempercantik diri hanya untuk menarik Inoo yang akan pulang malam itu. memakai pakaian dalam dengan warna kesukaan Inoo, mengganti seprai dan memasang lilin-lilin kecil aroma terapi agar suasana kamar mereka romantis.
 Ruu duduk di tempat tidurnya dan menunggu Inoo pulang dengan sabar. Ia meminum obat itu dan berharap Inoo segera pulang. Ia juga menyiapkan obat perangsang yang dimasukkannya ke minuman Inoo untuk berjaga-jaga bila Inoo lelah atau tak berhasrat untuk melakukannya. Jam di dindin kamar sudah menunjukan pukul 1 malam namun Inoo tak datang juga. Diteleponnya ponsel Inoo namun tak ada jawaban. Sekretaris Inoo bilang dia sudah pulang sejak pukul 8 malam tadi namun batang hidung Inoo belum juga terlihat di depan gerbang. Ruu tetap menunggu Inoo di kasur mereka. Bersikeras untuk emndapatkan seorang anak. Menit demi menit berlalu, Ruu mulai lelah dan membaringkan tubuhnya dan matanya mulai sayu, perlahan tapi pasti Ruu mulai berpindah kea lam mimpinya. Satu hembusan nafas…
BRAKK !! suara gebrakan pintu kamarnya sontak membangunkan Ruu dan menyegarkan matanya.
“Kei… doushitte…”
Ruu segera membopon tubuh Inoo, Ruu bisa mencium wangi alcohol dari mulutnya.
“Kei, kau mabuk berat?”
“aaaahhhhh diam saja kau!!” Inoo mendorong Ruu. “kalian, sama saja. Dasar istri tidak berguna!! Setidaknya … berikanlah.. aku…” Inoo semakin sempoyongan.
“Kei, lebih baik kau istirahat..”
Inoo melepas genggaman Ruu dan menghempaskannya lagi ke tempat tidur. Ia mencumbu leher istrinya itu tanpa basa-basi. Merobek-robek pakaian dalam yang dikenakan Ruu.
“Kei, pelan-pelan…” Ruu sangat sabar menghadapi Inoo
“diam saja kau !! istri tak berguna.” Inoo mulai berani menampar Ruu. Ruu mulai menangis.
“nah bagus, aku lebih suka kau seperti ini” Inoo tersenyum masih dalam keadaan mabuk berat. Ia tertawa dan segera menghempaskan lagi tubuh istrinya, mencumbunya hingga puas dalam mabuknya, dan melucuti pakaian dalam Ruu, Inoo membuka sendiri pakaiannya.
“malam ini, layani aku sampai aku lelah…”
Ruu mengangguk menuruti Inoo, rencananya sedikit melenceng namun sesuai dengan harapannya.

Hikaru menenggak Tequila di gelasnya sambil duduk di tempat tidur sebuah hotel bintang lima. Ia termenung, memikirkan sesuatu.
“sudahlah, tak ada yang perlu dipikirkan” sebuah pelukan tangan merangkul pinggangnya, mencoba merayu Hikaru untuk sekali lagi melakukan adegan percintaan mereka.
“huh, tak ada yang aku pikirkan” Hikaru berkata dengan gengsinya.
“uso, aku tahu kau masih memikirkan tadi.”
“untuk apa aku memikirkan rencana busukmu yang telah berjalan dengan lancar itu Ryosuke”
“apa maksudmu?” laki-laki itu tersenyum
“hahaha, Ryosuke, kau pikir aku tidak tahu? Kau memakai cara lama yang aku gunakan kan? kau yang memancing Kei untuk kesini.”
“lantas? Kau tak suka?”
“sudahlah Hikaru, bukankah ada aku disini? Kau harus tanggung jawab karena telah menyeretku ke dalam duniamu..” Yamada memeluk Hikaru di tempat tidur, menyandarkan kepalanya di punggung Hikaru.
Hikaru berbalik dan menyenderkan Yamada kemudian menciumnya.
“baiklah jika itu maumu” Hikaru tergoda oleh Yamada untuk meluangkan hasratnya malam itu. ia mematikan ponselnya berusaha untuk mengalihkan pikirannya pada Yamada.


“ohayou, Ruu, Kei” Ayah dan ibu Ruu menyambut mereka di meja makan untuk sarapan. Inoo menggandeng tangan Ruu seadanya dan tanpa perasaan. Ruu yang sadar akan hal itu mengabaikannya dan menganggap Inoo melakukannya dengan sepenuh hati.
“dimana kakakmu?”
“sepertinya masih tidur” Ruu menjawab dengan senyuman cerah di wajahnya.
“ohayou, kaa-chan, tou-chan” Hikaru datang ke meja makan dan mencium pipi ibunya. Kei rupanya masih marah pada Hikaru dan bicara seadanya. Hikaru mencoba untuk mendekatinya dan menyentuhnya lagi namun akhir-akhir ini Inoo menolak dan beralasan sedang sibuk bekerja.
“Ruu, sepertinya akhir-akhir ini kau sedang senang sekali” Ayah Ruu memperhatikan anak perempuannya dengan detil.
“permisi, tuan nyonya. Beberapa tamu mencari nyonya Ruu”
“ah itu pasti yabu-kun dan yang lain. Suruh mereka masuk” Ruu memerintahkan pelayannya dengan wajah ceria.
Yabu, Megu dan Yuma memasuki ruangan itu dan duduk di meja makan. Mereka disuguhi berbgai macam emnu sarapan pagi.
“Ruu-chan. Ada apa kau memanggil kami semua?” Megu memulai pembicaraan mereka pagi itu
“Megu, dan yang lainnya. Saat ini aku sedang sangat gembira. Karena …” Ruu menggenggam tangan Inoo dan mengangkatnya. “karena aku dan Kei sebentar lagi akan menjadi ibu dan ayah..”
Semua orang kaget namun tak semua merasa senang. Hikaru tersedak saat meminum minumannya. Ruu memaklumi reaksi kakaknya itu.
“APA !! kenapa kau tak bilang dulu padaku??” Inoo kaget, semua perasaannya bercampur menjadi satu.
“aku ingin memberikan kejutan untukmu sayang. Aku seudah memeriksanya dengan beberapa alat dan hasilnya sama”
“waah nii-chan omedetou !!” Megu dengan riang menyalami kakaknya
“Kei, omedetou” Yabu menepuk bahu Inoo
“Kei, sebentar lagi kau akan jadi ayah…” Yuma juga ikut senang
“HENTIKAN !!” Inoo membentak dan semua orang terdiam. “ah … aku … aku … gomenasai …” Inoo membungkuk dan segera pergi meninggalkan ruangan itu. semua orang heran dengan reaksinya.
“sudahlah, sepertinya dia benar-benar terkejut karena sebentar lagi akan menjadi ayah” ibu Ruu menepuk bahu anaknya berusaha untuk menguatkannya, tetapi Ruu memang sudah menguatkan dirinya sendiri.
“un, sepertinya Kei sangat senang …”  Ruu berusaha menutupi perasaannya.
To be Continued …

Eternity part 9 Role Play

Title                             : Eternity part 9 –Role Play-
Categories                   : Multichapter
Genre                          : Romance
Rating                         : NC-21. If you don’t like. Just don’t read.  I warn you
Theme song                 : Hurry Up  – Hey Say Jump
Cast                             : Inoo Kei
                                      Hikaru Yaotome
                                     Machiruu Yaotome (OC)
                                     Yabu Kota
                                    Yamada Ryosuke
                                     Megumi Sakurada (OC)
                                    Nakayama Yuma
Disclaimer                   : all cast are not mine, the story is mine
Synopsis                      :
            Entahlah, aku merasa bahwa ada sesuatu yang tak beres pada diriku. Tuhan menciptakan kita semua berpasang-pasangan. Besar dan kecil, tinggi dan rendah, sedih dan bahagia, serta laki-laki dan perempuan. Semua ada untuk melengkapi satu sama lain. Sudah hampir lebih dari setengah hidupku tak terlengkapi seperti ini. terbawa oleh alunan kebekuan hasratku pada kaum pelengkapku dan mencari subtitusi dalam sejenisku. Aku merasa bahagia namun tetap tak merasa lengkap. melihat orang yang kusayangi yang sebentar lagi menikah dengan adikku. Aku bahagia sekaligus iri. Melihat hidup mereka penuh dengan cinta, cinta yang selama ini kudambakan. Karena itu, aku memutuskan untuk keluar dari dunia subtitusi pelengkapku dan mencari sebuah kehangatan cinta, pada seorang wanita. Kau tau? Ini bukanlah sebuah pelarian atau pun sebuah penantian. Tapi ini adalah sebuah perjuangan, untuk lepas dari dekapan kegelapanku.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

[Oneshot] Aku Juga Menyukaimu

Title                      : Aku Juga Menyukaimu
Author                 : Yu_I (Yuyuu)
Link of Author     :

Rating                  : PG-16
Genre                   : Romance
Lenght                  : Oneshot
Cast                      : Auriza Mika (Imaginary name) as female lead
            Yamada Ryosuke (Hey! Say! JUMP) as Nakata Ryu
             Hayate Megu (Imaginary name) as Nakata Ryu and Auriza       -Mika Friend. 

Summary             : Aku berpikir kalau Ryu menyukai Megu. Itu artinya aku tidak dalam keadaan koma lagi, melainkan mati. aku tidak ingin bersaing untuk mendapatkan Ryu, dan aku juga tidak ingin Ryu memilih antara aku dan Megu, karena aku bukan pilihan. Lebih baik aku tetap menyimpan perasaanku hingga tiba saatnya nanti, entah kapan.      



Aku Mika, Auriza Mika. Seorang siswi kelas X di sekolah swasta di jepang, tepatnya di Kanagawa. Aku sudah lama sekali dalam keadaan koma karena menyukai teman sekelasku, namanya Ryu, Nakata Ryu. ku sebut koma karena aku memang terlihat seperti sedang koma, tidak hidup, dan juga tidak mati. Aku menyukainya bukan hanya karena dia tampan dan pintar, tapi karena aku menyukai senyumnya. Aku akan ikut tersenyum ketika dia tersenyum, seperti ada magnet yang menariku untuk tersenyum pula. Dan itu tidak ku temukan pada senyuman teman-temanku yang lain. Senyuman Ryu sungguh berbeda.

Aku sudah sangat lama menyukainya, sejak aku bertemu dengannya 12 tahun yang lalu, tapatnya ketika aku dan dia berada di satu taman kanak-kanak yang sama. Sejak saat itu aku mulai menyukainya, dan sejak itu pula aku selalu mengikuti semua kegiatan yang di ikuti oleh Ryu. Aku ikut karate, olahraga basket, renang, apapun yang dia suka, aku mati-matian pula untuk menyukainya, seperti berusaha untuk menyukai pelajaran Matematika dan Sejarah. Aku ingin, jika suatu saat dia berbicara kepadaku mengenai apapun, aku akan bisa mengikuti pembicaraannya, aku juga tidak ingin jika suatu saat akan membuatnya bosan karena ketidak tahuanku tentang apapun, dan setidaknya dia tahu kalau kami mempunyai hobby yang sama. Aku tidak tahu apakah itu akan berhasil untuk menarik perhatianya. Dulu aku pikir itu hanya perasaan anak kecil saja, tapi sepertinya jelas bukan, karena perasaan itu kini tumbuh semakin besar, hingga sekarang. Aku selalu memperhatikannya, aku juga mengetahui semua tentangnya. Aku benar-benar terobsesi untuk memilikinya. Tapi aku tidak punya keberanian yang cukup untuk mengakuinya. Untuk mengatakan kalau aku menyukainya. Sungguh menyukainya.

Aku sedang dalam perjalanan menuju sekolahku, aku selalu berjalan kaki. Kebanyakan siswa maupun siswsi di jepang berjalan kaki. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara seseorang menyapaku, aku pun berbalik untuk menyapa kembali. Ternyata Ryu, dia menyapaku pagi ini.

“ Selamat pagi Mika..” Ryu menyapaku dengan senyumannya pula.

“ Selamat pagi.... Ryu...” belum selesai lagi aku menyapanya, dia berlari meninggalkanku.

Sesampainya di ruang kelas, aku kembali menatap Ryu. berharap dia akan menyapaku kembali, entah karena alasan apapun. Tapi sampai pelajaran terakhir pun tidak ada tanda-tanda kalau dia akan menyapaku kembali. Dia tetap seperti biasa, berkumpul ketika istirahat  dengan teman-temannya dan dengan beberapa siswi lain yang memang suka mengikuti kemanapun dia pergi, seperti penguntit. Pelajaran hari ini berakhir, aku memasukan buku-buku ku ke dalam tas dan mulai berjalan meninggalkan kelasku dan kini aku sudah berjalan keluar dari pagar sekolah hingga akhirnya aku menghentikan langkahku karena aku mendengar  teriakan seseorang yang memanggil namaku dari kejauhan.

“ Um, Ryu....” ucapku pelan, dan hampir tidak terdengar.

“ Kenapa kamu tidak menungguku ?” nafasnya tersengal-sengal karena berlari cukup jauh.

“ Eh......” sahutku sambil sedikit memiringkan kepalaku ke arah kiri.

“ Iya, kenapa kamu tidak menungguku ? kita kan pulangnya searah.” Sahutnya lagi, kini dengan nafas yang teratur.

“ Eh... kita kan... tidak pernah pulang bersama ? aku pikir.... makanya aku tidak menunggumu.” Aku kembali menjawab, tapi kali ini dengan suara yang terdengar cukup jelas.

“ Aahh.. aku lupa, kita memang tidak pernah pulang bersama. Um, bagaimana kalau hari ini kita pulang bersama. Oke ? ayo.”

Dia mulai melangkahkan kakinya dan berjalan di depanku. Itu membuatku kebingungan. Dia bilang ingin pulang bersama tapi dia sama sekali tidak menghiraukanku yang berjalan tepat di belakangnya. Ini sama saja dengan pulang sendiri, tidak ada bedanya. Dia bahkan mulai memasang earphone dan menyanyikan lagu sambil berjalan.sedangkan aku, aku hanya membuntutinya, seperti penguntit. Tapi setidaknya itu karena jalan kami searah. Sepanjang perjalanan aku hanya berbicara tidak karuan dalam pikiranku. Memperdebatkan duniaku yang terlihat tidak seimbang ini. Hingga tidak terasa akhirnya Ryu mulai berhenti di persimpangan dan membalikkan badannya.

“ Aaahh... kenapa anak wanita selalu berjalan seperti keong ? lambat, sangat lambat. Pulang bersama, tapi terlihat seperti biasa. Berjalan sendiri-sendiri.” Dia berbicara lumayan keras, hingga aku cukup bisa mendengarnya.

Aku sedikit berlari untuk bisa sampai di persimpangan itu dan berdiri tepat di depannya.

“ Hei, lagi pula kamu yang berjalan terlalu cepat, seperti di kejar hantu.” Aku sedikit membela diriku.

“ Haa... benarkah ? kalau begitu.. bagaimana kalau kita kembali kesekolah dan mengulang perjalanan ini kembali ? tapi dengan langkahku yang sedikit pelan. Bagaimana ?” dia terlihat seperti serius ketika mengatakannya.

“ Eh....” aku kembali hanya bisa mengucapkan itu, Ryu benar-benar membuatku kebingungan.

“ Um, aku hanya bercanda. Bye .. Mika..” ucapnya sambil tersenyum dan berjalan menuju arah lain dan meninggalkanku kembali, mengulangi hal yang dia lakukan ketika menyapaku tadi pagi, tapi kali ini dia membalikkan badan dan melambaikan tangannya padaku.

          Aku pun berjalan tertunduk menuju arah yang berlawanan. Sesampainya aku di rumah, aku langsung menuju kamarku, dan meletakkan tasku. Mandi, dan membantu ibuku untuk membuat makan malam. Malam ini berlalu seperti biasa, setelah makan malam bersama ayah dan ibuku selesai , aku membantu mencuci piring dan kembali ke tempat tidurku untuk belajar, kemudian tidur. Keesokan harinya, setelah mandi dan sarapan, aku kemudian membuka pintu dan berjalan keluar untuk pergi ke sekolah. Tapi aku menghentikan langkahku ketika aku keluar dan menemukan Ryu bersandar pada pagar rumahku sambil menekan-nekan handphonenya, seperti sedang mengirim pesan.

“ Ah, kamu sudah siap. Ayo kita berangkat.” Ryu memulai percakapan.

Tapi dia tidak langsung berjalan, dia tetap diam. Tidak bergerak sama sekali. Bahkan dia masih memainkan handphonenya.

“ Eh...??”

“ Um, kita pergi.” Dia tersenyum, dan mulai memasukkan handphonenya ke dalam saku.

Aku semakin koma, tidak tahu apa yang harus aku katakan. Dan kenapa dia tersenyum ? aku mulai merasa ingin melompat-lompat kegirangan, tapi dia masih berada di depanku saat ini.

“ Eeehh.... apa yang kamu lakukan Mika ? kita bisa terlambat...” Ryu berjalan sambil menarik lengan bajuku, membuatku semakin tidak karuan saat itu.

Aku memikirkan, kenapa dia, Ryu berbicara denganku akhir-akhir ini ? tepatnya 2 hari ini. Sejak kami 1 sekolah dulu, dia orang yang sangat jarang berbicara kepadaku, kecuali memang benar-benar ada hal penting yang ingin dia katakan. Tapi kenapa sekarang berbeda ? aku kembali berdebat degan tenangnya, hingga aku tidak mendengar lagi apa yang di katakan Ryu padaku saat  ini. Aku terlalu sibuk untuk  mendengarkannya. Hingga akhirnya kami tiba di sekolah.

“ Ryu... selamat pagi...” terdengar suara perempuan yang tidak asing bagiku sedang menyapa Ryu.

“ Hei, Megu.. selamat pagi.” Kulihat Ryu tersenyum sangat manis tapi juga terlihat malu-malu ketika menyapa Megu.

Ya, Megu, Hayate Megu. Teman satu kelas kami. Megu teman yang baik, dia pintar dan cantik. Dan semua orang menyukainya, termasuk aku. Mungkin juga Ryu, karena aku tidak pernah melihat senyuman Ryu yang seperti ini selama ini. Aku berpikir kalau Ryu menyukai Megu. Itu artinya aku tidak dalam keadaan koma lagi, melainkan mati. aku tidak ingin bersaing untuk mendapatkan Ryu, dan aku juga tidak ingin Ryu memilih antara aku dan Megu, karena aku bukan pilihan. Lebih baik aku tetap menyimpan perasaanku hingga tiba saatnya nanti, entah kapan.

Aku menatap Megu dan Ryu yang saling tersenyum sambil berjalan menuju ruang kelas, dan aku kembali menundukan kepalaku, berjalan di belakang mereka. Hari ini jantungku seakan mau berhenti ketika jam istirahat kedua, dimana Ryu menarik tangan Megu dan membawanya keluar kelas, entah kemana. Aku menangis, dalam hati. Kenapa harus aku yang menyukainya ? dan, kenapa dia menyukai Megu ? aku tidak tahan untuk tidak meneteskan air mataku, tapi tidak di depan teman-temanku. Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk menangis di kamar mandi sekolah. Sepanjang perjalanan menuju kamar mandi aku berusaha menahan air mataku agar tidak menetes. Tapi sia-sia, ketika aku melihat keluar jendela. Ryu dan Megu, mereka sedang duduk di bangku taman sekolah, saling menatap dan tersenyum satu sama lain. Dan Ryu kembali terlihat malu-malu. Air mataku menetes saat ini, tapi aku tetap meneruskan langkahku hingga akhirnya tiba di kamar mandi dan menangis sejadi-jadinya. Aku tidak masuk pelajaran terakhir, aku pulang sebelum pelajar di mulai. Aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di kelas setelah aku pulang, mungkin teman-temanku sedang mengejek Ryu dan Megu karena ketahuan menjalin hubungan.

Aku tidak ingin ke sekolah pagi ini. Aku merasa sakit, tapi hanya perasaanku saja yang sakit, yang lainnya tidak, mereka baik-baik saja. Aku berjalan keluar rumah dan aku kembali terkejut, Ryu kembali ada di depan rumahku. Tepatnya bersandar di pagar dan kali ini aku yang menyapanya terlebih dahulu karena dia terlihat sibuk mengirimkan pesan, mungkin untuk Megu.

“ Selamat Pagi.” Ucapku sambil berjalan meninggalkannya.

“ Eh, Mika. Selamat pagi.” Ryu menjawab dengan semangat, kemudian berlari kecil mengikutiku.

Hari ini perjalanan menuju sekolah terasa sangat melelahkan. Sudah hampir 10 menit kami berjalan, tapi tidak ada satupun yang berbicara. Ryu terlihat asik dengan ponselnya. Dia sesekali tertawa-tawa kecil ketika membaca pesan yang dia terima. Itu membuatku semakin tersiksa, aku semakin mempercepat langkah kakiku. Aku benar-benar sekarat saat ini.

“ Um, Mika. Kamu berteman dengan Megu kan ? dia teman kita sejak sekolah menegah pertama. Dia selalu duduk di depanku. Apakah kamu ingat ?” Ryu memulai percakapan dan membuatku harus menjawabnya.

“ Um, aku berteman.. hanya saja tidak begitu dekat. Tidak sedekat kamu dan dia.” Jawabku sambil tersenyum menatap Ryu, dan dia hanya membalas senyumanku tanpa membantah kalau dia dan Megu tidak berteman dekat.

Sesaat, perjalanan kami sepi kembali. Hingga 10 menit kemudian Ryu kembali memulai percakapan. Dan lagi-lagi tentang Megu. Aku hampir menabrak anak kecil yang berjalan di depanku karena menutup mataku agar tidak menangis. Lagi pula aku tidak ingin terlihat seperti gadis aneh yang menangis di tengah-tengah pembicaraan.

“ Dia gadis yang baik bukan ? dia juga pintar dan cantik. “ Ryu kembali tersenyum ketika membicarakan Megu.

“ Um, dia pintar dan cantik. Megu benar-benar sempurna.” Sahutku dengan nada yang datar.

“ Apakah menurutmu Megu sudah punya kekasih ?” kali ini Ryu menarik lengan bajuku kembali, dan menghentikan langkahnya.

Aku sempat berpikir, kenapa dia hanya menarik lengan bajuku ? kenapa bukan tanganku ? apa tangannya itu hanya untuk menggenggam tangan Megu ? aku mulai kesulitan untuk menjawab pertanyaan Ryu. jika ku jawab sudah, Ryu mungkin akan sakit hati, dan aku tidak ingin melihat Ryu sedih. Tapi jika ku jawab belum, aku yang akan sedih sekaligus sekarat, karena kemungkinan besar Ryu akan mengejar Megu.

“ Uumm... aku tidak tahu.. sebaiknya kamu tanyakan saja  langsung pada Megu..” jawabku perlahan dan meletakan tasku kemudian duduk dan mengeluarkan buku pelajaranku.

“ Um, kamu benar. Aku akan memikirkannya nanti.” Ryu kemudian berjalan menuju tempat duduknya.

Tidak lama, Megu datang dan tersenyum menatap Ryu. kemudian merubah arah tatapannya kepadaku. “

“ Selamat pagi Mika..” senyuman Megu benar-benar manis.

“ Selamat... pagi Megu..” balasku dengan senyuman pula.

          Pelajaran hari ini benar-benar sulit di mengerti. Aku menguras habis konsentrasiku agar bisa mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik, tapi sia-sia. Semua yang ada di pikiranku hanya bayangan Ryu dan Megu yang tertawa, dan bercanda sepanjang hari ini. Hingga waktunya pulang, aku bergegas memasukkan buku-buku ku ke dalam tas dan melangkah pergi. Malam ini aku tidak makan malam bersama, karena aku mengatakan kalau aku sudah makan sebelum pulang kerumah. Aku mengambil sebuah bingkai foto yang terletak di atas meja belajarku dan metapnya. Itu adalah foto di mana aku sedang manghadiri perpisahan sekolah 1 tahun yang lalu. Aku berfoto seorang diri, dengan mengenakan seragam sekolah dan memegang sebuah surat kelulusan di tanganku. Itu adalah foto yang di berikan oleh Ryu, dia yang memotretnya, dia juga yang menyerahkannya padaku. Dengan sebuah kotak kado berwarna merah, dan waktu itu fotoku sudah berada di dalam bingkainya. Dia menyerahkannya tepat di saat hari pertama aku masuk sekolah ini.

          Hari-hari berlalu seperti biasa, aku masih memendam perasaanku. Aku masih belum ingin mengatakannya. Belum saatnya. Ryu pun masih terlihat bersama Megu. Walaupun aku tidak mendengar kabar kalau Ryu dan Megu menjalin hubungan, aku tidak ingin merusak kedekatan mereka, karena aku tidak ingin jika suatu saat ada yang merusak kedekatanku dengan pria idamanku, siapa pun itu.Pagi ini pun aku kembali menemukan Ryu yang bersandar di pagar rumahku dengan menggenggam sebuah ponsel di tangannya.

“ Selamat pagi.. “ Ryu menyapaku beserta senyumannya.

“ Selamat pagi... “ balasku dan mulai berjalan.

“ Mika, aku ingin menceritakan sesuatu padamu.” Ryu terlihat sangat serius.

Aku mulai memikirkan hal terburuk, mungkin Ryu dan Megu sudah menjalin hubungan. Itu yang ada di pikiranku saat ini. Tapi aku masih bersikap wajar dan mengangkat alisku seolah sedang bertanya.

“ Aku menyukai seseorang, aku sungguh menyukainya. Tapi... aku belum berani untuk mengatakan padanya apa yang aku rasakan.”

Ryu tertunduk, dan membuatku dalam detik-detik terakhir. Aku kalah. Ryu menyukai wanita lain. Aku hampir saja mengucapkan sesuatu sebelum akhirnya dia berbicara kembali.

“ Apakah kamu ingin tahu siapa wanita yang selama ini membuatku tdak bisa tertidur di malam hari karena memikirkan apa yang sedang dia lakukan, dan apakah dia juga memikirkannku....”

Aku sangat ingin tahu, tapi aku juga tidak ingin tahu. Jika aku tahu siapa wanita itu, aku mingkin akan membencinya selama-lamanya karena telah membuat Ryu seperti itu. Yang bisa ku lakukan hanya mengambil jalan utama, tidak ingin mengetahuniya.

“ Umm... aku rasa tidak. Aku tidak ingin mengetahuinya Ryu. lagi pula aku tidak akan bisa membantumu untuk mendapatkannya. Kamu harus berusaha sendiri jika kamu benar-benar menyukainya.” Aku terlihat seperti orang yang berpengalaman ketika mengatakannya.

“ Tapi... aku ingin kamu mengetahuinya. Lalu  bagaimana caranya ? dia bahkan tidak terlihat menyukaiku ?” Ryu kembali melemparkan pertanyaannya padaku.

“ Uum, kamu bisa pikirkan nanti...” aku tersenyum padanya solah memberikan semangat, padahal aku sendiri perlu menyemangati diriku.

Ryu tersenyum, kemudian kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju sekolah. Di sekolah, pada saat jam kosong Ryu selalu terlihat bersama Megu. Dan mereka terlihat sangat dekat. Tapi kenapa Ryu tidak mengatakannya pada Megu ? dia bisa kapan saja mengatakan kalau dia menyukai Megu, tapi tidak dia lakukan.

          Malam ini aku kembali menatap fotoku. Besok pagi, aku berniat untuk mengatakannya pada Ryu. Apa yang aku rasakan. Walaupun dia menyukai wanita lain, setidaknya dia juga tahu apa yang aku rasakan padanya. Aku tidak bermaksud membuatnya kebingungan nantinya. Aku hanya ingin dia tahu, aku menyukainya.Aku tertidur dan terbangun keesokan harinya dengan masih memeluk foto itu. pagi ini, aku benar-benar berantakan. Aku menjatuhkan banyak benda karena terburu-buru, salah satunya bingkai foto itu. aku memecahkannya. Aku berniat membersihkannya nanti, tapi bagaimana jika ibu masuk ke kamarku dan pecahan bingkai ini mengenai kakinya. Aku kembali memungut pecahan itu, dan mengeluarkan foto itu dengan perlahan kemudian menaruhnya di atas meja.

“ aku berangkat....” aku berpamitan dengan kedua orang tuaku setelah aku menyantap sarapanku.

Aku membuka pintu dan aku sudah siap untuk menyatakan perasaanku pada Ryu, tapi kali ini Ryu tidak menungguku. Aku ke sekolah sendiri. Aku hampir membatalkan niatku karena ku pikir Ryu pagi ini menjemput wanita idamannya itu. Logika dan perasaanku kembali berdebat henbat kali ini. Aku sampai bingung, mana yang harus ku ikuti.

Sekolah berakhir  hari ini.Aku sudah di depan gerbang sekolah ketika Ryu memanggilku. Dia berlari mendekat, nafasnya tidak beraturan, dia terlihat sangat berantakan dengan keringat yang menetes di seluruh tubuhnya. Aku hanya memandangnya dan membiarkan dirinya tenang agar aku bisa mengatakan apa yang aku rasakan. Tapi aku masih belum tahu memulainya dari mana. Di sela-sela kebingunganku, Ryu mulai berbicara padaku, dan dia  juga terlihat gugup, seperti aku.

“ Mika... apa kamu tahu, siapa yang selama ini mengirimkan pesan padaku ?”

Aku tidak ingin tahu. Aku katakan seperti itu dalam benakku. Kenapa Ryu ingin aku mengetahui itu. aku membalikan badanku dan mulai berjalan meninggalkannya.

“ Megu. Kami selalu saling mengirimkan pesan.”

Langkahku terhenti. Aku sudah yakin Ryu dan Megu menjaling hubungan. Aku kembali membalikkan badanku menatapnya.

“ Apa kamu tahu kenapa aku malu ketika berbicara dengannya ?” pertanyaan Ryu membuatku ingin berjalan meninggalkannya kembali.

“ Apa kamu tahu siapa wanita yang aku sukai selama ini ?”

Pertanyaan Ryu kali ini membuatku benar-benar berjalan meninggalkannya. Aku membatalkan niatku. Karena Ryu telah memberitahukan padaku semuanya. Dia menyukai Megu. Aku memilih mengubur perasaanku selama ini. Tapi tiba-tiba Ryu berbicara pelan, aku masih bisa mendengar apa yang dia katakan, masih sangat jelas, dan itu membuat langkahku terhenti.

“ Setiap pagi.. aku mengirimkan pesan pada Megu.. untuk bertanya.. hal apa yang hari ini akan aku bicarakan denganmu... karena aku takut.. kamu akan bosan padaku jika aku berbicara tentang hal yang aneh... aku sering mengajaknya duduk di taman sekolah... agar... jika suatu saat kita tidak sengaja bertemu disana aku tidak perlu merasa gugup lagi... aku tidak pernah berjalan sejajar denganmu... karena aku tidak ingin wajahku yang gugup akan terlihat olehmu... ? aku juga tersenyum malu ketika bertemu dia, karena dia tahu apa yang akau rasakan padamu.. dan... setiap hari.. aku tidak pernah menyentuh tanganmu.. melainkan hanya lengan bajumu.. karena.. aku.. aku takut kamu akan merasakan kalau tanganku gemetar setiap kali berada di dekatmu.. aku menunggumu di depan rumah.. karena aku ingin mengatakan apa yang aku rasakan.. tapi aku selalu meninggalkan nyaliku di tempat lain.... karena kamu terlihat tidak menyukaiku..”

Ryu berhenti bicara, dan aku membalikkan badanku. Aku tersenyum. Ini seperti mimpi. Orang yang selama ini ku kagumi, ternyata dia juga mengagumiku. Aku ingin mengatakan bahwa aku juga menyukainya, tapi lagi-lagi Ryu mengambil kesempatanku. Dia kembali melanjutkan kata-katanya.

“ Aku menyukaimu... Mika... bukan karena kita mempunyai hobby yang sama... aku tidak mempermasalahkan apa saja yang kamu suka.. dan apa saja yang tidak... aku hanya tahu.. aku menyukaimu... sejak.. sejak kamu... sejak pertama kali kamu tersenyum kepadaku.. karena aku menggunakan seragam yang salah waktu itu... di kelas pertama kita di sekolah menengah pertama...”

Aku kembali ingin mengatakan apa yang aku rasakan pada Ryu, perasaanku kali ini sungguh menggebu-gebu. Sulit sekali untuk di tahan. Tapi lagi-lagi Ryu melanjutkan kata-katanya.

“ Sejak saat itu... aku menyukaimu Mika... senyumanmu... membuat duniaku menjadi lebih baik..

“ Ryu.... aku....” belum selesai aku bicara, Ryu kembali melanjutkan kata-katanya.

Kali ini Ryu mengucapkannya dengan tersenyum. Dan dia berjalan mendekatiku, tetap dengan senyumannya yang selalu membuatku mengaguminya.

“ Aku menyukaimu Mika.. aku sungguh menyukaimu..”

Sesaat, aku terdiam. Aku berusaha menyusan kalimat yang indah untuk dia dengar. Tapi itu justru membuatku menderita penyakit alzemir. Aku tersenyum menatap Ryu. Dia sungguh-sungguh membuatku mengaguminya.

“ Aku.. juga menyukaimu Ryu...” aku kembali tersenyum menatap Ryu.

          Kali ini aku benar-benar membatalkan niatku untuk mengatakan apa yang aku rasakan padanya. Bahkan lebih dari yang dia rasakan padaku selama ini. Aku memilih menyimpannya. Membiarkan dia tidak mengetahui bahwa kau juga sangat menyukainya, sejak pertama kali bertemu dengannya. Aku tiba di rumah dengan hati yang berbunga-bunga. Setibanya di kamar, aku menemukan fotoku terjatuh di lantai dalam keadaan terbalik karena tertiup angin yang berasal dari jendela kamarku. Aku mengambilnya, dan.... ternyata di belakang foto itu selama ini ada sebuah tulisan ( Aku menyukaimu Mika... 02-09-2009) Ryu menuliskan kata-kata itu tepat di saat dia mengambilkan gambar untukku. dan aku baru melihatnya sekarang. Perlahan aku berjalan menuju meja belajarku, aku mengambil salah satu pensilku, sambil tersenyum aku menuliskan sesuatu pada foto itu, ( Aku juga menyukaimu.. Ryu... 02-09-1999).

- End -

Note : Bukan ahli dalam membuat ataupun mengarang cerita. Dan mohon ma’af apabila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan yang mengurangi kenyamanan dalam membaca cerita ini. Jadi harap di maklumi, dan silahkan meninggalkan komentar yang membangun bagi sang penulis, agar dapat memperbaiki setiap kesalahan dan menerapkannya di cerita yang lainnya.


                                                                             Yulinda Isnaniah


Thursday, May 2, 2013

[Series] The Shadow (Part 4/4)

The Shadow Part 4 (Final)

Misaki welcomed them on the gate. She guided them to the back yard. Ryosuke and Chinen followed without asking.

“There’s a suspect! Otousan saw a foreigner standing in our garden this evening!” Misaki immediately said that when they arrived. The atmosphere felt a bit cold.

[Series] The Shadow (Part 3/4)

The Shadow part 3

“Yama-chan, I got another terror!”

Chinen reported when Ryosuke finished his shower. He showed his cell phone to Ryosuke. A text sent by anonymous.

You are more and more close to your main duty. Make sure that you do as I said. If not, then I’ll end it worst.

[Series] The Shadow (Part 2/4)

The Shadow part 2

Ryosuke couldn’t get off his thought from those anonymous letters. Why someone sent those to him? He was been bothered by thinking about Chinen’s stalker, but now someone mean to do the same thing to him?

Is this case related? Perhaps the stalkers were the same person?

The journey ended faster when people doing something during the time than just sat in vacant. Ryosuke who was busy with his thought didn’t realize that they arrived at the destination till Chinen pulled him to exit the train.

[Series] The Shadow (Part 1/4)

Title    : The Shadow
Pairing : Ryosuke x Chinen
Cast    : - Yamada Ryosuke as Yamada Ryosuke
-    Chinen Yuri as Chinen Yuri

Yamada Family;
-      Otousan
-      Kaachan
-      Chihiro as elder sister
-      Misaki as little sister
-  JUMP members as their self.

Genre   : Dark, Family, Friendship.
Rating  : General
Length  : 4 chapters.
Language : English
Author     : Ai_chan
- FB Link  :
- Site Link :
- Ichiban  : Yamada Ryosuke
- Reason join this project: Because I love writing and I want to try writing fanfiction.

Disclaimer  : The story is mine but not the casts.

Summary  : Ryosuke felt the last few days someone followed him. Several times he caught a girl standing under a street light in front of his house. But then Chinen become the one who got a terror and the members asked him to stay a while in his home. The mysterious girl still appeared many times.

A/N        : This is my first time writing fanfiction. Sorry if there are a lot of grammatical      errors and the story were not good.

“Hayaku Yama-chan!” Daiki shouted at Ryosuke.

They just finished rehearsal for the next episode of Shounen Club. Everyone had already gathered in dressing room. They seemed to have an interesting chatted.

Ryosuke was leaved alone in the dancing room, got an extra dance practice for ‘Mistery Virgin’. Daiki came in sudden and took Ryosuke out. He pulled his arm without compromised and guided him to the dressing room.


Pairing     : Yamada x BEST (brotherhood), Yamada x 7 (friendhip)
Cast         :Yamada Ryosuke as Yamada Ryosuke
                  Yabu Kota as Yamada Kota
                  Takaki Yuya as Yamada Yuya
                  Yaotome Hikaru as Yamada Hikaru
                  Arioka Daiki as Yamada Daiki
                  Inoo Kei as Inoo Kei
                  Nakajima Yuto as Nakajima Yuto
                  Chinen Yuri as Chinen Yuri
                  Okamoto Keito as Okamoto Keito
                  Morimoto Ryutaro as Morimoto Ryutaro
Genre       : Family, friendship
Rating       : General
Length      : Oneshot
Language  : English (slight Japanese)
Author       : Eka Darmayanthi
- FB Link    : Eka Darmayanthi
- Twitter     : @EkaDarmayanthi
- Site Link   :
- Ichiban     : Yamada Ryosuke

- Reason join this project: I want to celebrate Yamada 20 birthday (just with this I can give him my gift), and I love writing fanfiction too and want to develop my ability in writing.

Summary : I love my brothers, but they don’t love me, they hate me..
A/N : (I am suck at summary, and can’t write proper summary, so I hope all of you want to read it although the summary isn’t good)


'Knock knock' a knock on the doorway can be heard, make Ryosuke that already awake rubbed his eyes lazily. "Come in" Ryosuke said, and Inoo Kei's figure, his buttler can be seen on the doorway, smile cheerfully toward him.

"I don't expected that you're already awake Ryosuke-sama. Usually you will wait me to wake you up." Said Inoo while he is arranged Ryosuke's clothes.

"Urusai yo Inoo! I just need to be in school early now." Ryosuke reply, and with that, the 19 years old boy go toward his huge bathroom. Inoo just smile, look at his master's antics and then he prepares his master's need for go to college. 30 minutes later, Ryosuke is ready to have his breakfast.

"Where is my onii-chan?" Asked Ryosuke, because no one is in the dining room now, except for his maid that served him and his buttler.

"Kota-sama had left to office early because he has meeting schedule with Australia clients, Yuya-sama still sleeping because he came late last night from photo shoot, Hikaru-sama left early to hospital because he must re-examination his patient and Daiki-sama left early to college too, because he has exam this morning.” Inoo answered. Ryosuke just sigh deeply. It’s become the usual morning he has in this family. He and his older brothers are rare to have breakfast together because his brothers always busy like this, and although they has time together, it will become in short time because his brothers will left home again.

Kota, his oldest brother becomes the president of Yamada Company that his father left for them, and he is such a talented leader like their father, despite his young age at 25 years old. Yuya, the second son choose the path to become a model, and he has so many fans because his aura and handsome face. Meanwhile Hikaru, the third son choose to become a doctor and currently now he is finishing his last stage study at hospital and the other hand Daiki, the fourth son is in his last year studying in Faculty of Engineering. Ryosuke too, the youngest son, now is in his second year studying in Faculty of Economy. All of them such a brilliant guy in their young age, same like their brilliant father and mother.

“I really want this home become warmly like when otou-san and okaa-san still alive.” Ryosuke murmured slowly. Inoo could only looks sadly at his master’s gloomy expression. It has been 8 years since Ryosuke’s parent passed away, and when the owner of this house passed away, warm aura that surrounded this house seems to fade away, and since that Ryosuke’s older brothers seem to avoid the youngest son of yamada. Ryosuke feel so sad and lonely because his brothers’ behaviour toward him. He is so aware that his brothers’ are avoid him since the accident that took their parent’s life.

8 years ago, Yamada Hiro and Yamada Chika, the Owner of a well known Yamada’s Property Company in Japan went to a business trip by car and their youngest son, Ryosuke, accompanied them. At that time, Kota was 15 years old, Yuya 14, Hikaru 13, Daiki 12 and Ryosuke 10 years old. They planned to have a vacation when the business matter was done and Ryosuke’s older brothers’ planned to catch up the next day because they still had scheduled in school. But that night the three of Yamadas family had an accident, the car that they ride was crash onto a big tree because the brake didn’t work properly. Yamada Hiro and Chika died when they rushed to the nearer hospital. Fortunately, Ryosuke’s life can be saved because his parents protect him from the crash so his injury wasn’t life threatening. But that accident made a trauma in Ryosuke’s mind. That makes sense, he just 10 years old back then.

“Maybe my brothers hate me because otou-san and okaa-san died to protect me.” Ryosuke said again, and close his eyes. Inoo that heard that just patted his shoulder. “Don’t ever say that again Ryosuke-sama. I am sure that your brothers’ really love you. Just give them time ne~” said Inoo. Ryosuke just looks at Inoo’s eyes sadly, hope that Inoo’s words are true. But he doubts it.

“I doubt it Inoo. They really hates me, they never show their affection toward me like before. If otou-san and okaa-san didn’t protect me that time maybe they are still alive and can be with my brothers.” Ryosuke said. “But, I don’t mind it. They are still my brothers, and I really love them although they hate me, because they are only my family.” Ryosuke continued, then he grabbed his bag and walk toward the front door, ready go to his college. Inoo just smile softly and followed his young master.


“Ohayou Yama-chan!” suddenly a hyper voice can be heard, and then three figure can be seen when he out from his car. There stand his childhood friends Yuto, Chinen and Keito. They are smiling toward Ryosuke. “Ah, Ohayou minna.” Ryosuke reply casually. Then Chinen drag him toward the classroom. Here it is, that little squirrel always did that to him in the morning. In their gang, Yuto and Chinen are always hyper but on the opposite Ryosuke and Keito are the calm one.

“Ne, Yama-chan, what your plan for your 20 birthday?” ask Chinen while he prepares his book. Ryosuke frown. birthday? Seeing this frown from Ryosuke, Yuto just pat his shoulder. “Ne, Ne Yama-chan, don’t say that you’re forget your own birthday 5 days later?” ask Yuto.

"Actually, I am forget." Said Ryosuke while smile widely. "ITTAI!" Ryosuke shouted, because Yuto whacked his head. "What was that for?" He asked, annoyed.

"Because you’re forgot your own birthday. Really Yama-chan, this is your 20 birthday. You must make it special. You will become a legal adult that time.” Yuto said, sighed deeply. Ryosuke just smile sheepishly. “As you know, it will be like usual as before. There’s nothing special in my birthday this past 8 years. Even my brothers’ seem didn’t remembered when I was born. So I think, I wouldn’t make a special event that day.” Said Ryosuke casually, and he pull out his book from his bag. Chinen want to protest, but Yuto hold him, signing him don’t be too nagged to Ryosuke because it’s just no use to talk about it now. Then, their lecturer comes and they begin to study.


Ryosuke is staring at the scenery out from his window car. Inoo glanced at his master, because he is so quiet after leave the school. “Ryosuke-sama, is there something in your mind?” asked Inoo. Ryosuke looked at his buttler then shook his head. “Nandemonai.” He answered, and now he is staring at the clouds. Ryosuke is thinking about Yuto’s word. He is thinking about his 20 birthday, that will come soon. Actually, he doesn’t want a special event that day. He just wants his brothers’ stay at home, accompany him. In this past 8 years, since their parents passed away, their brothers’ were never at home in Ryosuke’s born day. They always had a busy schedule on Ryosuke’s birthday. Unconsciously, a single tear escape from Ryosuke’s eyes. ‘I just want to become with all of you again nii-chan. I really miss you, Kota-nii, Yuya-nii, Hikaru-nii and Daiki-nii.’ Ryosuke thought.

A call from his buttler, make him startled. He doesn’t aware that he already arrive at home. Ryosuke walk directly toward living room followed by Inoo. There he sees Yuya is sitting reading a book, a very rare sight for Ryosuke, because at a time like this usually Yuya isn’t home. "Yuya-nii? You don’t have shooting schedule? "Said Ryosuke, make Yuya raised his head.

"Ah, Ryosuke. I get a day off today." Reply Yuya then he is continue reading his book. only that and no more words. Yuya not even ask how Ryosuke’s day on campus as he used to do when Ryosuke home from school like years ago. Among his four older brothers, Ryosuke is most clingy on Yuya. But everything changed since 8 years ago. "Yuya-nii, are you busy 5 days again?" Ask Ryosuke again. Yuya looked just a moment at Ryosuke, then he replied, "I have shooting schedule. Maybe I'm not in home that day."

"Sou ka .." Reply Ryosuke shortly, looks very disappointed. He then ignored his brother and go straight to his room. When passing in the corridor, he is passing Daiki who look in rush and carrying his large bag. "Ah, Nii-chan, where are you going?" Ryosuke asked. Daiki paused, and glanced at her brother. "I will stay at my friend home for a few days." Answer Daiki while fix his bag.

"That means you will not be at home 5 days again?" Said Ryosuke, pouting.

"It’s a regular thing Ryosuke. Even I hadn’t at home almost for a week deshou? You should've been adjusted to that. You know, being a student in last year of college is really difficult and tiring." Daiki answered, and he immediately go away. Ryosuke looked Daiki’s back sadly, and then he walks to his room.


Ryosuke is staring at his home park from the window hallway when Takagi-san, the house butler pass the hallway. He brought a document and look in a hurry. "Ah, Takagi-san, where are you going?" asked Ryosuke. Takagi, by the call on his master, bowed respectfully before answering, "I want to bring this document to Kota-sama." He answered. Ryosuke smiled then approached that 40-year-old man. "Can I have that delivered to my brother?" ask Ryosuke, with a pleading look. Takagi is silent for a moment and then he nodded.

"Well, it’s alright Ryosuke-sama." Answer Takagi, and with that he gave the documents earlier to Ryosuke. Ryosuke is walk happily toward his oldest brother’s working room. Ryosuke knocking at the front door, and Kota’s voice replied "Come in".

Ryosuke entered, and see his brother is typing something on his laptop. Kota looks so serious make Ryosuke smiled at him. Ryosuke always amazed with his brother, he become the head of Yamada family since their parents died. Kota is trying his best to run a company that has been left by their father, and that make Ryosuke respect him so much.

Kota lifted his head, and a bit surprised to see Ryosuke. "I brought the documents that nii-chan requested." Ryosuke said, before Kota can ask him. Kota just stared at Ryosuke for a moment, and turned back to his laptop. "Put it on the table next to you then you can go." Said Kota, without face his younger brother properly. Ryosuke looked disappointed because of his brother’s tone and he put the document in the table, but he doesn’t immediately leave the room.

"Ne, Kota-nii. Would you stop for a minute?" Ryosuke asked. Kota stopped from his work, looking annoyed. "Nani Ryosuke? Is there an important thing you want to talking about? If not, you better get back to your room. Now I am really busy, tomorrow I have an important meeting to attend." Kota said in flat tone. Ryosuke just sighed quietly.

"Kota-nii, I just want you to stop for a while. Looking at me properly, though it just briefly." Ryosuke replied sadly.

"I don’t have time for that Ryosuke." Kota replied flatly. Ryosuke feels angry to hear that, sadness and anger become one in his feeling now.

"You said you don’t have time!?" Ryosuke exclaimed angrily. Without realizing it, tears are falling from his eyes. Kota shocked by his brother's reaction, and he now looked at Ryosuke. "And you have plenty of time to Yuya-nii, Hikaru-nii and Daiki-nii. But you don’t have time for me! You are always avoiding me!" Ryosuke rant angrily. Now he is crying hardly.

"Kota-nii, if you really hate me, you better say it properly to me. You shouldn’t have to avoid me like this. Honestly, I am the one that caused Otou-san and Okaa-san died. At that crash, they shouldn’t protect me, so all of you will not lose parents. Maybe I'd better die at that time." Ryosuke said, tears are unstoppable from his brown eyes.

"Ryosuke.." Kota says softly, couldn’t continue his words.

"Gomen, nii-chan .. I disturb your valuable time." Ryosuke said again, wiping tears from his eyes and with that he is out from his brother working room. At the doorway, he is passing Inoo, and ignoring the buttler who had called him. Inoo who saw it all became impatient and entered Kota’s working room.

"Sorry if I become rude Kota-sama. But this time you've really made Ryosuke-sama hurt. Didn’t you know, how sad and lonely he was for this past 10 years, and he was very lonely during this time." Inoo said to the man at same age as him. Kota just sighed softly, and he looked at Inoo sadly.

"I don’t know Inoo. I just, can’t face him properly until now." Kota said softly.


Ryosuke walks into the music room in his house. This place is his sanctuary when he is sad. He looked at the instruments there are Hikaru and Kota-owned guitars, a violins, and a grand piano that is in the middle of the room. Ryosuke wiped the tears from his eyes and walked slowly toward the piano and sit down in front of it. He pressed the keys and he plays a song that very familiar to him.

Back to years ago his brother often sang this song, with him played the piano. Ryosuke’s tears flowed freely when he recall the days when his parents were still alive, while his older brother was still pay attention to him and didn’t avoid him like now. Ryosuke took a deep breath while completing the song, his body shaking from trying to hold back his tears.

"Ryosuke .." A familiar voice called him, and Hikaru figure is standing at the doorway. "I'm sorry if I disturb you, I want to take my guitar." Hikaru said doesn’t care about Ryosuke’s eyes that already wet with tears. Ryosuke looked at Hikaru who has taken his guitar silently. Not long after that, Hikaru walk toward the doorway, but Ryosuke call him.

"Hika-nii .." Call Ryosuke slowly, and Hikaru stopped. Assume that Hikaru listen him, Ryosuke say further, "Hika-nii, if I may be honest, I really miss you. I missed the days when Otou-san and Okaa-san were still alive. At past, you always cheer me up when I'm sad, you're always made a joke to enlighten this house. "Ryosuke said softly.

Hikaru still silent, and Ryosuke continued, "I just want everyone to be like before. I really miss you onii-chan. I missed the warmth from Kota-nii, I missed how Yuya nii always gentle to me, I missed Hikaru nii that always can cheer me up, and I also miss Daiki nii-chan that always give his attention to me." Said Ryosuke again, this time his tears fell again from the corner of his eyes. Hikaru only sighed quietly hear Ryosuke’s word.

"Everything changes Ryosuke. We can’t only stay in one condition, because everything is change. I hope you can understand it." Hikaru replied, and he left Ryosuke that still crying in silence. He cried until he is tired and fell asleep in the music room.


Ryosuke awake the next morning when he heard Inoo call him. When his eyes opened, Inoo looked at him worriedly. "Why you put that expression Inoo?" Ask Ryosuke.

"Ryosuke-sama, I'm worried see you sleeping here. Hora! Why are you sleeping in the music room? You could catch a cold if you sleep here." Reply Inoo, like a mother scolded her son. Ryosuke just rolled his eyes, looking annoyed with the attitude of 'motherhood' Inoo. "I don’t accidentally fall asleep here." Reply Ryosuke, and he walked to his room. Inoo could only see his young master sadly, because he couldn’t do anything to entertain the young master who is considered as his own brother.

This morning as usual all Ryosuke’s brothers aren’t at home. Ryosuke looked at the dinner table in front of him, empty as usual. He eats his breakfast in silence, and after that he goes to his car followed by Inoo.

"Ne, Inoo-chan .." Ryosuke said suddenly, breaking the silence in the car. He looked at the scenery outside the car with gloomy expression. "Nani?" Inoo asked.

"Maybe I shouldn’t been born into this world." Ryosuke said. Inoo is silent, couldn’t reply the young master’s words.

"My presence in this world only could bring misery to others deshou? Otou-san and Okaa-san died for protecting me. All my older brothers lost parents because of me, and Kota-nii had forced to sacrifice his youth because he has to run the company that father left to us. There is only sadness because of my presence." Ryosuke said, still looking at the scenery outside.

"Ryosuke-sama, maybe I'm a bit rude. To be honest I don’t like it when you say that. I don’t like it when you keep blaming yourself for everything that had happened. I beg you, don’t ever to say like that." Inoo said, in a tone that sounded a bit upset. Ryosuke shocked, because Inoo never used to talk like that to him before, how big was he pissed at him, Inoo always talking gentle to him. Ryosuke turned his gaze toward Inoo who has looked at his eyes.

"Ryosuke-sama, many people will be sad if you don’t exist in this world. Your childhood friend, Nakajima-sama, Okamoto-sama and also Chinen-sama must be sad if you don’t exist in this world. Your brothers also will be sad and you know, I will be very sad too, because I considered you're like my own brother." Inoo say further, now smiling warmly at Ryosuke. Ryosuke silent for a moment, but the next second he smiled at Inoo, feeling content because both of Inoo’s smile and words.

"Arigatou na, Inoo-chan .."


"Yama-chan, you know, yesterday Keito met a girl!" Said Yuto cheerfully, and Keito hit his head in exasperation. The Sight in front of him is success make makes Ryosuke smiling at Yuto’s hyper behaviour. They are in break time and now they sit in the cafeteria and waiting for the next class. Chinen who had been enjoying his bento, now turned his attention to Yuto. "Hontou ka?" Chinen ask.

"Un! Hontou! The girl was very pretty. Keito is very lucky to get a girl like that. Ah, Keito, finally you'll fall in love after you broke up with a girl before." Said Yuto again, and Keito is trying to shut up Yuto’s mouth, stopping him to talk further. "Urusai Yuto!" Said Keito looked annoyed. Ryosuke just laugh at his friend’s antics, helped him forget his fight with Kota last night and the coldness behavior from Yuya, Hikaru and Daiki. While Chinen already put his bento, look interested and want to force Keito to talk further.

Suddenly, Ryosuke’s phone ring distracted them. Ryosuke pick the call, and their friends stop their activities. Ryosuke's face turned serious when the opposite person says something.

"Nani!?" Said Ryosuke, looks worried and panic. Both Keito, Yuto and Chinen now look at Ryosuke, intrigued by the conversation.

"Inoo, I'm going to where that place now. You please call the police. I don’t want anything bad happen to them." Said Ryosuke, then the opposite person speak again, but Ryosuke interrupted. "I can’t Inoo. You heard what I said earlier." Ryosuke said firmly, and he hung up the phone. Ryosuke’s expression is showing anxiety and worry.

"What happened Yama-chan? Why is your face so anxious?" Ask Keito.
"My brothers were kidnapped. I don’t understand what is going on, but they were." Ryosuke replied, as he cleared his stuff. "The kidnappers said he isn’t going to hurt my brothers if I going to the location he has says." Ryosuke continue. He has going to walk out when suddenly Chinen hold his wrist.

"Yama-chan, don’t be so reckless. Maybe it's a trap. You know, that many people don’t like the success of your family? Maybe it's a trick from one of your family business rival. Why don’t you try contacting Kota-kun or Yuya-kun?" Chinen said. Ryosuke looked thoughtful then he followed Chinen’s advice. He called Kota, but Kota’s phone is off. Then he contacted Yuya, Hikaru and Daiki, but it’s same like before.

"Look! Their phones are off. I must get to the place that is said by the kidnappers. I don’t want anything bad happen to them. "Ryosuke said impatiently. This time, Yuto is restraining him.

"We understand how you feel Yama-chan, but at least wait until Inoo-kun came here. You can’t act rashly like this. Please don’t use your feelings Yama-chan, but think with your logic." Protest Yuto. Ryosuke trying to let go from Yuto’s hand, this time he looks angry.

"You told me to wait!? And what if something bad happens to them and it was too late for me to save them!?" Ryosuke exclaimed angrily, successfully made his three friends looked at him in surprise. Ryosuke has never been this angry at three of them.

"I can’t take the risk Yuto-kun, I don’t want to lose again the people that I love." Ryosuke said, and before anyone could stop him, he runaway from that place.

"YAMA-CHAN!" shouted Yuto, but Ryosuke ignored him.

"Ne, what should we do now?" ask Chinen, to the two older guy in front of him.

"I think we should call Inoo-kun. Maybe he knows what really happened. We also don't be too act rashly, because it could endanger the Ryosuke lives and his brothers too." Keito said calmly. Fortunately Keito could still be calm in this such a situation like this. Yuto and Chinen nodded, then Yuto contact Inoo.

Not long after that, Inoo come to their place. He looks in a hurry, and his face is very worried. When Inoo arrived, Keito immediately told what had happened and Inoo's expression looks more worried when he heard the story from Keito.

"We have to save them. But first, we need to make sure about something first." Inoo said, decide the next plan, followed by a nod from Keito, Yuto and Chinen.


Ryosuke looked at a deserted old building in front of him. A Stranger, which he assumed as the kidnapper had called him and said he must go into this building if he want his brothers are safe. Ryosuke was confused why the kidnappers know his cell phone number, but it is not a priority at this time. Ryosuke walked slowly into the old building. He could see some used electronic goods there is in the building. When Ryosuke is in that old building, he isn’t sees anyone. Even the figure of his brothers aren't there.

"Hey! Where are you!? Get out! Where are my brothers?" Ryosuke shouted. Silence. Ryosuke will shout again, when footsteps could be heard, and the next moment some people emerged from the entrance. Ryosuke can't see their faces clearly, because the incoming sunlight from the window in the way. "Where are my brothers?" Ryosuke exclaimed impatiently, trying to hold his anger. Judging from the amount of the people in front of him, he's very sure he will not be able to face it alone, although he is good in fighting.

The group walked over to Ryosuke and Ryosuke now could clearly see their faces. Ryosuke surprised to see their faces, especially the young man uses his glasses who standing in the middle of the group.

"Ryutaro?" Ryosuke ask, disbelief. The young man who called Ryutaro just smirks looked at Ryosuke. He fixes his glasses position then looked sharply at Ryosuke. "I never think a school idol like you and winner of the first rank could be so stupid to come out of nowhere when someone says his brothers were kidnapped." Ryutaro said coldly. Ryosuke widened his eyes when he heard those words from Ryutaro.

"What do you mean Ryutaro? So this is a trap?" Said Ryosuke surprised. Ryutaro replied with an evil smile. "Isn’t it obvious Ryosuke? And I wonder why you just believe the stranger words. That means my theory proved correctly."Said Ryutaro. Ryosuke confused with the words of the young man in front of him.

"My theory is that your greatest weakness is your brothers." Ryutaro said again when he looked at Ryosuke’s confused face. Ryosuke could only stare angrily to the young man in front of him.

"Why are you doing this Ryutaro? What have I done? And what do you want from me?" Ryosuke exclaimed, trying not to get angry.

"To be honest, you don’t have any fault Ryosuke. The biggest fault is that you are an intelligent person." Reply Ryutaro, this time he looks serious. "You're too smart, and don’t need a huge effort to get the first rank. You've successfully shifted my position that has always been at the top. And you know what? It really makes me angry and upset." Continue Ryutaro again. This time Ryosuke just rolled his eyes, looking annoyed.

"It wasn’t my fault. That means you don’t trying hardly to maintain your position." Reply Ryosuke now really feel angry. Ryutaro looked at Ryosuke with hate, now he can’t hold himself anymore. With a nod of his head to the members of the group, those Ryutaro’s men started attacking Ryosuke.

Then fights couldn’t be avoided, and Ryosuke trying hard to fight Ryutaro men to protect himself. But no matter how strong he is, he doesn’t stand a chance against those. Ryutaro himself just let his men attacked Ryosuke, and he just watching the poor boy was trying to protect himself.

Slowly but surely, Ryosuke power begin to run out, and now he can only dodge attacks from them. Unfortunately for Ryosuke, one of the men managed to hit his stomach and Ryosuke falls to the hard floor. This time Ryosuke can’t fight anymore, and Ryutaro's men kicked him endlessly. Ryosuke can only bear all the pain in his body and face. They don’t stop until Ryutaro finally ordered them to stop.

Ryosuke tried to get up, but he realized that he doesn’t have energy for it. Ryutaro walked over to him and pulled his collar roughly, so now his face only inches apart from Ryutaro’s face. "You look so awful." Said Ryutaro, then hit him endlessly. Ryosuke feel a terrible pain as his body thrown by Ryutaro, and his vision begin blurred. Again Ryutaro pulled Ryosuke’s collar, prepared to hit him hardly. Ryosuke closed his eyes, waiting for the pain, but the pain doesn’t come. Between his sights that began to blur, he could hear the sound of police sirens and Ryutaro slowly release his handle.

Ryosuke fell to the floor again, he vaguely feel some people pulled Ryutaro away from him. A familiar figure comes closer to his body. Ryosuke felt someone lift his head and that person put Ryosuke’s head in his lap.

"Ryosuke! Ryosuke! Hold on!" some people shouted his name and the voices sounded so far away from his ears though the voices of those who called him sounded familiar. Ryosuke can no longer bear with the pain in his body, and slowly everything became dark around him.


The next time Ryosuke opened his eyes, he is already lying at the bed in all-white room. Ryosuke pay attention again and he realized he is in a hospital room. An infusion is pierced on his left arm, and he could see Inoo figure who fell asleep in the chair beside his bed. Ryosuke tried to sit up, but he felt pain all over his body, and he groaned, loud enough to wake Inoo up.

"Ah! Finally, you are awake, Ryosuke-sama!" Said Inoo happy, then he pressed the emergency button to call the doctor. A few minutes later, the doctor came in followed by a nurse.

"Ah, I see you're awake, Yamada-san. If you allow me, I'll examine you for a while. Do you mind it?" ask the doctor, smiling. Ryosuke just shook his head slowly then the doctor is examining his condition while the nurses make some notes.

"How is his condition, sensei?" Said Inoo looks worried.

"Yamada-san's condition is very good. I don’t see any trauma that danger his life. But I advise him to rest fully. 2 more days you will be discharged from here if your condition is getting better."

"Ah, arigatou sensei." Reply Inoo. The doctor nodded then bowed briefly at Inoo and Ryosuke. "Rest well, Yamada-san." The doctor said, and he left the room followed by the nurse. Inoo looked at Ryosuke, he really looks relieved.

"Ne Inoo-chan, how long I passed out? And what happened after I passed out?" Ask Ryosuke.

"You fainted almost 3 days. Fortunately, the police arrived in time to catch Ryutaro and his gang. Everything is just a trap Ryutaro and it was very unlucky when Ryosuke-sama tried to calling Kota-sama, Yuya-sama, Hikaru-sama and Daiki-sama, their phone is currently inactive and you think they actually kidnapped. Once I know it's a trap, I tried to contact them, and they were very worried when they saw you looked like lifeless because the fighting." Obviously Inoo

"My brothers come to the scene?" Ryosuke asked disbelief, and Inoo nodded.

"They immediately left their jobs Ryosuke-sama. Even Daiki-sama got scolded by his teachers for left the class in the middle of a lesson. You made them really worried. Kota-sama didn’t sleep for almost 2 days to take care of you. Just this morning I could force them to returned home to rest for good. They will surely be happy to know that you're awake." Inoo said again, make Ryosuke feel guilty.

Ryosuke sighed quietly. "Sorry, I made you all worried." Ryosuke said. Inoo patting his shoulder gently.

"It doesn’t matter Ryosuke-sama. The important thing now you're okay." Inoo said, smiling warmly. Ryosuke replied with a nod, and smiled a little.


Today Ryosuke just rest in his room. Yuto, Chinen and Keito come to visit at the afternoon, and they are very happy because Ryosuke is conscious now. Ryosuke also apologized to them because he didn’t follow their words.

"It doesn’t matter Yama-chan. We know how you feel. The important thing now, you're okay, and don’t repeat your actions ne." Yuto said like Inoo said, and patting his shoulder. Ryosuke nodded.

After his friends back to home, Ryosuke feel lonely again. Inoo asked permission to go home early because he has something must be takes care at home, and no one from his brothers visits Ryosuke after he was conscious. Ryosuke want to out from his room and take a walk around the hospital, so he gets up from his position. He is aware that there are still some parts of his body still ache.

When he is standing perfectly, suddenly he feels a great pain in his stomach, and makes him lose his balance. It seems like Ryutaro’s punch has a big effect on him. Ryosuke fell on the cold floor of the hospital, and he moaned loudly.

"Ryosuke!" Someone shouted, and when Ryosuke looked up to see who was calling him, he could see his four brothers come into the room. "Nii-chan tachi .." Ryosuke whispered quietly between his pain. Kota and Yuya directly helping Ryosuke to stand up again, and with gently they help Ryosuke to lie in his bed again.

"Ryosuke, you are still sick, so don’t move too much. You were so careless." Daiki said, and then he gave a glass of mineral water to his younger brother, and Ryosuke drink it, then Daiki took the cup after Ryosuke had drained all the water.

"Gomen." Ryosuke replied softly.

"Besides, where are you going to? Why didn’t you call the nurse for help?" Hikaru asked, with a look of concern in his face.

"I just wanted to go out for a while. I feel lonely because no one here and all of you don’t come here too." Ryosuke replied as he bowed his head, feeling guilty for make a trouble for his brothers again. He also feared that his four brothers would scold him. Without expected, Ryosuke feel someone pat his head, and he looked up. He sees Kota is smiling warmly toward him.

"Don’t worry Ryosuke, now we will stay with you so you will not feel lonely anymore." Kota said.

"Hontou?" Ryosuke asked, somehow he doesn’t believe it. He feels strange because all of a sudden his brothers don’t avoid him and being warm toward him.

"What happened to nii-chan tachi? Why are you suddenly so warmly toward me?" Ryosuke asked again, still not willing to believe the warmth acts provided by them.

Kota just sees Ryosuke’s reaction with a big sighed. He had expected this. After all it’s all his faults if Ryosuke is in denial stage like this, because for the past 10 years his youngest brother feels lonely. His fault, because he was acts coldly on Ryosuke, so Yuya, Hikaru and Daiki also acts coldly toward his brother.

"Ryosuke, we are serious. We wouldn’t avoid you anymore, and we wouldn’t acts coldly to you again." Yuya said seriously. Ryosuke still persistent don’t want to believe them. Kota then walked over him and sits beside his brother, and he sighed softly.

"Ryosuke, we knew that we were wrong. Especially me, you can blame me. As the oldest son, I've been acts cold to you and avoid you and because of my attitude that I give bad example to Yuya, Hikaru and Daiki. I was too weak to be able to face you." Kota said. Ryosuke just silent, and Yuya continued, "Ryosuke, we don’t hate you. We love you. Really love you." said Yuya

Ryosuke, just smirked. Without he realize he is upset toward his brothers. During this past 10 years they were away from him, being cold to him, rarely at home even forgetting his birthday, and now they suddenly turned to acts warmly toward him and not avoid him again, and said that they are very fond of him. It is all too sudden, and he just couldn’t take it.

"Oh yeah? Yuya-nii, you say that you love me? Then, the description about love for you is avoiding me and being cold with me? I don’t understand all of you." Ryosuke said, then he looked away.

"We really love you." Said Hikaru and Daiki continued, "Ryosuke, we knew that we were wrong, but at that time we just couldn’t face you. Because we love you, we couldn’t face you after otou-san and okaa-san passed away. We wanted to be a good brother to you, but we didn’t know what to do because at that times is very difficult for all of us. We were too sad in our sadness, without knowing that you were also definitely sad because you had witnessed the accident." Said Hikaru.

"And it ended up with our incompetence to face you properly, because we were afraid we couldn’t give you love like otou-san and okaa-san gave you, and we ended up being cold to you. I guess it's because we were not a good big brothers, because we were too weak to deal with it." Kota continued. Ryosuke listened to them, and now he understands why his brothers being cold to him and avoid him.

"And when I heard the news from Inoo that you're in danger a few days ago, we were very worried. We were very hurt when we saw you lying helplessly in that old building, and we couldn’t do anything about it. That time we realized, you're so precious to us, our precious youngest brother and we couldn’t lose you. We don’t want to lose you, like we losing otou-san and okaa-san." Daiki said.

Without realizing it, Ryosuke’s tears are fallen and he is crying in silence. He turned his face again to his brothers, and smiled gently. "I love you, Onii-chan tachi .." Ryosuke said, and he raised his hand, embraced Kota that is closest to him. Kota hugs him back, and seconds later, Yuya, Hikaru and Daiki hug their brother, too. That night, for the first time in 10 years, Ryosuke finally feel completely at ease and he can sleep peacefully.


Ryosuke awake the next morning. He feel sleep really well last night. Sun light coming from his room window, making him slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he sees when opening his eyes are balloons. Wait, balloons? Ryosuke rubbed his eyes, and now he sees around him clearly. There are several balloons in his room. Ryosuke become curious, and when he pulled out his phone to call Inoo, suddenly there is a slight knock on his door. Ryosuke replied "Come in" and ..

"SURPRISE!" Someone shouted, and it was from his brothers, Inoo and his three best friends. Ryosuke shocked, and just see at them.

"OTANJOUBI OMEDETO Ryosuke!" They chorus, and he could see Kota and Yuya brought a trolley which contains a large cake with strawberry topping and 20 candles on it. Ryosuke completely forget that today is his birthday. Ryosuke smiled at all of them, a happy smile.

"Happy birthday to you .. Happy birthday to you .. Happy birthday dear Ryosuke, happy birthday to you.." they singing for Ryosuke and unconsciously tears fallen from his, but now tears of happy this time.

"Ne, Yama-chan, don’t cry. Let's make a wish and immediately blow out the candles." Yuto said. Ryosuke just nodded. Kota and Yuya brought the trolley closer to him. Ryosuke closed his eyes, praying. 'I want to live happily together with my brothers, Inoo and my best friends' said Ryosuke in the heart, and when he opened his eyes he immediately blew all the 20 candles and all of them in that room applauded him.

"Omedeto Yama-chan!" Said Chinen and Keito at the same time, then they both give their gifts to Ryosuke. Yuto also gave his gifts, and Kota, Yuya, Hikaru, Daiki and Inoo give Ryosuke a warm hug.

"Arigatou na ~ minna .. I .. I don’t know what to say.. I'm very happy today.." Ryosuke said softly, his tears began to fall again. All of them who see that only smile because they think Ryosuke look very cute.

"Ne, ne Ryosuke, now you are 20 years old, an adult so don’t cry anymore." Kota said as he pats Ryosuke’s head. Ryosuke just wiped the tears that are still falling, and then looked at them all. "I'm just happy this day, so these tears can’t stop falling from my eyes." Ryosuke replied.

"Aaah, Ryosuke kawaii na~" Hikaru comments as he ruffles Ryosuke’s hair.

"Hika-nii Urusai yo!" Ryosuke pouted while take away Hikaru’s hand. All of them in that room only laugh at Ryosuke’s childishness. Today is a happy day for Ryosuke. The first time since 10 years ago, he can together with his four brothers on his birthday. There is no gift that more beautiful than could be with your precious one on your birthday.

'I LOVE YOU, Onii-chan TACHI "Ryosuke said in his heart, smiling warmly.


Owari ~

Nii-chan : a nickname when you call your older brother
Nandemonai : it’s nothing
Hontou : really?
Otou-san : father
Okaa-san : mother
Tachi : all of you
Gomen : sorry
Arigatou : thank you
Minna : all of you
Kawaii : cute
Otanjoubi omedeto : happy birthday
Urusai yo! : shut up!