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Thursday, May 2, 2013

[Series] Your Precious Presences (part 1/4)



Ryosuke lean his head in couch. He felt very tired. He felt pain in his head and his body. Yeah maybe it’s normal considering his tight schedule. For this week for example, his sleep time just 10 hours. It means he just sleep 1 – 2 hours a day. No! He doesn’t hate his job, instead he very love his job. That’s why he always worked harder than anyone. He loves being in the stage and acting to be a different person in front of camera. He never regrets choose this path, but sometimes, he felt boring and wants to quit his job. Hey! Say! Jump! Was the reason he stand for his tight schedule. Whenever he leaves them for shooting drama or anything else, He felt like back home when back to Hey! Say! Jump!

He surprised, felt something cold in his cheek.

“Are you okay?” Ryosuke opened his eyes heard the familiar voices.

“Yuto-kun...” He smile saw Yuto, his band mates stand in front him.

“You look tired. Are you okay?” Retard Yuto as he handed a can of strawberry juices, that thing which made his surprised before.

“Ah Arigatou!” Ryosuke smile widened saw his favourite drink “Daijabou! I’am okay!”

“You should less your schedule Ryosuke!” Said Yuto sadly, saw the dark circle in his friend’s eyes.

“Okay, Okay I will!” Ryosuke Smirk as he drinking the strawberry juices.

Before Yuto can he said anything furthermore, they heard Kota called them for practice again.

“C’mon, I really will less my schedule! Now we’re better go, unless Kota will scold us!” Said Ryosuke when Yuto still didn’t moved.

“I will make that for sure!” mumbles Yuto as something idea crossed his mind.

“Huh? What did you say?” Asked Ryosuke.

“Nothing! Let’s go!” Then Yuto go ahead, leaving Ryosuke who still curious.

Ryosuke frowning saw his friend in Hey! Say! Jump! Lately. Almost for a week they seems hiding something from him. For several time, Ryosuke found they get together talked about something. But when he came, they like shocked and act awkwardly. Like this afternoon, when he came late because he had a shooting schedule before. Ryosuke saw Daiki and Chinen whispered something to each other. But when he approaches them, they separated and forced a smile.

“Hey Chinen wanna go eat together after the practices?” Asked Ryosuke, trying to ignore his suspicion. “I have  2 hours free time before next schedule.”

“Gomen! I can’t Ryo-chan. I have something to do!” Replied Chinen apologize.


“Gomen, me too! I can’t!” 

Then both of them leave the room. Ryosuke sighed. Are this just his imagination, but besides hiding something they seem avoid him too.

He halt saw Kota and Hikaru who just entered the practice’s room. They act suspicious too. Last night, when he wants to go home, he saw someone who looks alike them, sneak off somewhere. Hidden in disguise as they scared to be found someone.

“Kota-kun...” Called Ryosuke  “Can I asked you something?”

“Nani, Ryosuke?” Replied Kota still prepared for their practice.

“Where you and Hikaru went last night? I think I saw both of you went somewhere!” Asked Ryosuke as he sat beside Hikaru who was drinking a juices.

Suddenly Hikaru choked his drink, startled with his question. He almost spit his drink. Kota glances a warned glaze to Hikaru.

“Eh? Maybe you have looked a wrong person Yama-chan!” Replied Hikaru still coughing “I didn’t go anywhere after we finished our schedule yesterday!”

“We’re all directly gone home after our performances yesterday!” Said Kota support Hikaru’s statement.

“Why you asked that, Ryosuke?” Asked Hikaru.

“Ah forget it! I just curious, because I thought all of you already went home! Maybe I saw someone else!” Replied Ryosuke.

Ryosuke really sure he didn’t mistake recognize them. Why they denied that? Okay this is getting suspicious. He’ll find the answer.

To Be Continue...


Arigatou : Thank You
Nani : What

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