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Thursday, May 2, 2013

[Oneshot] Twisted Romance

TITLE: “Twisted Romance”
PAIRING: YamaChi (Ryosuke & Yuri), YamaJima (Ryosuke & Yuto), YabuHika/HikaBu (Hikaru & Kota), OkaKi (Keito & Yuya *made it myself* gomen), DaiTo (Daiki and Yuto *gomen, I know this couple doesn’t exist*)
CASTS: >Yamada Ryosuke as Suki & Suke
            >Chinen Yuri as Yuri
            >Yuto Nakajima as Yuto
            >Arioka Daiki as Dai-chan
            >Yabu Kouta as Kota (Suki’s mom)
            >Yaotome Hikaru as Hikaru (Suki’s dad)
             >Inoo Kei as Inoo-chan (Suki’s sister)
             >Takaki Yuya as Yuya (Suki’s Butler)
             >Okamoto Keito as Kei-chan (Suki’s Maid)
             >Morimoto Ryutaro as Ryu
             >Nakajima Kento as Kento-Vice President (Student Council)
             >Sato Shiori as Shiori-(2-A’s Class President)
             >Kikuchi Fuma as Fuma-(3-a’s Class president)
             >Jesse Lewis as Hanazawa Jesse/Ren
CROSS GENDER: Ryosuke, Daiki, Inoo, Keito and Kota as girls!
GENRE: school, family, love, comedy
RATING: General
LENGTH: “one-shot” (50 Pages)
AUTHOR: Jashmaine Excel (HSJumper_LunacY)
ICHIBAN: Yabu Kouta

REASON OF JOINING THE PROJECT: I just really LOVE HEY! SAY! JUMP! And this kind of opportunities is rare! The least I can do to support HSJ is by participating in this kind of projects and stuffs! Besides, writing fanfiction is fun! It helps your brain to work and function well (even though is summer vacation) and also enhance your writing ability! So many benefits! ^_^ but not good in the heart! (XD the “dokidoki” is so extreme!)

DISCLAIMER: Me myself and I worked hard for this story to be made possible! I

SUMMARY: Suki-chan is one of the most beautiful girls in their school. Beside from being smart, she’s also very talented, rich and delicate-looking. She attends a very prestigious school everyone dreamt of. With these features, of course, every girl envied her. She can’t make any friends because all the girls were so insecure of her, not to mention, she often got bullied. Wanting to change, she asked her parents to let her attend a public school, so it’s decided…she will be changing school and gender?!

AUTHOR’S NOTE: as I always say, every character in this story doesn’t reflect the “real deal” which means, everyone weren’t reflecting every member of HSJ! “I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N!” sorry for making some of the members act as GIRLS, I don’t want to change their names so I restore it to avoid any confusion and I guess adding (-chan)  on their names (ex. Dai-chan) will give the hint that they’re girls! The range of the story is “wide” so HSJ alone is not enough so I add some characters from Sexy Zone! (I hope it’s acceptable) (Gomen, I stick to the sweet and innocent love, good for every age, I’m not good with ‘smuts’ so sorry T_T)




                Sleeping on “feather”-soft pillows, silk-like blanket, 10 piles of mattress, breakfast in bed, personal maid and butler, own room and bathroom, open closet, being sent and pick up by a car from school, a castle-like mansion---every girls dreamt of such life but not everyone! Suki had everything but she didn’t enjoy every bit of it. She grew up together with her personal maid, her parents were always overseas because of business, they only come home every Christmas, and the purpose was business party. Suki developed a complication in her heart and got operated at a very young age. Their doctor restricted her to do strenuous activities. Exposing herself from direct sunlight would also be risky so she used to skipped P.E. class which resulted into bad rumors like “She doesn’t want her skin to be dark”, “She’s too delicate”, “She’s rich so it’s ok not to sweat” and things like that. On the contrary, Suki REALLY wants to do active things but she can’t. She’s not picky with people she would talk to, even though they were guys, she’ll still talk to them but her kindness were opposite on how “insecure” girls sees it. They thought she was a flirt and stuffs, without realizing it…she was already isolated in her class. She’s hesitant on transferring on another school, it takes time to think about it but now…he decision is FINAL! “I WANT TO CHANGE!”

Suki: (Sitting beside the window) ne~ Kei-chan, do I look scary?

Kei: (Folding the clothes) NO! You look wonderful, Suki-chan!

Suki: how about you Yuya-kun?

Yuya: You look stunning, Miss Suki!

Suki: then why are they so scared to make friends with me? Ever since I was small, no one wants to be friend. Should I give them some of my clothes and jewelries?

Kei: (Sit beside Suki) Suki-chan, having friends just because you can benefit them is not good and not true friendship!

Suki: but…I really want to have friends. Laughed with them, tell my secrets to them, having tea and cakes with them, going home with them…

Yuya: why don’t you change school and act different there! Like the one you really want to be! How’s that Miss Suki? Nice idea right?

Kei: (Hit Yuya in the head) don’t suggest weird things to Suki-chan! Stupid butler!

Yuya: (Touching his head) that hurts, Kei-san! I’m just thinking a change of environment where no one knows who you really are would be easier because they won’t feel insecure or inferior, right?

Kei: like I said, don’t tell those kinds of things on Suki-chan…just ignore him Suki-chan!


Kei: SUKI-CHAN??!!

Suki: Kei-chan, contact Daddy and tell him that I want to transfer to another school!

Kei: Suki-chan…Think about it first!

Suki: I can’t take this anymore! I want to have friends!

Kei: I understand that but…

Suki: (Kneel) please Kei-chan…Please (Teary eyes)

Kei: oh dear…alright, I’ll contact your father later!


Kei: (Looking at Yuya with “it’s your fault” look) Yuya, you’re an IDIOT!

Yuya: sorry Kei-san…

                     Kei-chan immediately contacted Suki’s parents, but, as always, only the answering machine got her calls, looking at how excited Suki looks, Kei-san didn’t sleep at all that night and discuss things with Yuya-kun. They don’t want to see Suki lonely anymore so they decided to keep things a secret to her parents. Since Kota and Hikaru were always busy and come home just once a year, it will be alright.

Sensei: ok class! Settle down! I have an announcement to make, so listen.

Class: (Silence)

Sensei: ok, you can come in now.

Suki: (Enter and walk slowly) *Hajimemashite! Watashi was Suke desu! Yoroshiku
onegaishimasu! (*How do you do, I’m Suke, nice meeting you)

Class: (Murmuring) (Murmuring)

Guy#1: *Kawaii! (*Cute)

Guy#2: right?! Another pretty face! Should I hit on her?

Girl#1: I think hitting on her is not a good idea!

Guy#2: why? Are you jealous?

Girl#1: STUPID! Look! She’s wearing the guy’s uniform! Which means…addressing her as “she” is wrong but “he!”

Class: EEEHHH?????!!!

Suki: umm…*Sensei, I’m consuming too much of homeroom’s time, can I sit now? (*Teacher)

Sensei: ah, you’re right! Sorry about that. Let’s see…sit on that empty chair by the window! Oi! Dai-chan!

Dai-chan: (Sleeping)

Yuto: (Whispering) oi! Oi Dai-chan! Wake up! Sensei’s calling you! OI! (Pinch Dai-chan’s ear)


Sensei: ehem…sorry about that! Go sit beside that noisy girl…that’s the only available sit for now, so please bear with it.

Suki: (Bow) thank you very much, Sensei.

Sensei: (Quite shy) eh…you’re welcome!

Suki: (Walk slowly)

Guy#4: he smells so good!!!

Guy#5: call me Homo or what, but I’m gonna give him a try!

Yuto: you guys were giving him creeps! Stop it!

Suki: Hello Dai-chan, nice to meet you! (Bows)

Dai-chan: (Fix her hair and uniform) ehem…I’m Daikiri, but everyone call me Dai-chan, nice meeting you also!

Suki: (Smiles) thank you!

Dai-chan: woah! It’s hard to admit but…you look much prettier than me!

Yuto: hahaha…poor Dai-chan!

Dai-chan: *URUSAI tower guy! (*Shut up)

Yuto: what did you say, boyish woman?!

Dai-chan: boyish??!! YOU…YOU BAMBOO BOY!

Yuto: at least I’m tall! How about you? FLAT-CHESTED GIRL!!!

Dai-chan: (Teary eyes) what? Flat? (Crying) you’re so cruel!!!

Suki: (Uncomfortable) umm (Offer her handkerchief) A lady shouldn’t cry. Every single tear was like a pearl from the deepest sea…you should treasure it!

Dai-chan: (Mesmerized) Thank you Suke-kun! (Staring at Suki’s Hanky) so clean! (Smells) WWHHAA!!! I can’t use it! It smells much better than me!

Suki: NO! Please use it! You face needs to be wiped!

Dai-chan: sorry…I’ll wash it afterwards…

Sensei: ok class! Please be quiet! We will start the class.

             Dai-chan and Yuto were together ever since they were small so it’s normal for them to argue and fight like earlier. Even their classmates were used to it.

~*Ding *dong *ding *dong~ LUNCH TIME!

Yuto: OI! Why aren’t you eating anything?

Dai-chan: mom’s sick and we have to budget dad’s money, since I am the oldest, I have to sacrifice (Whispers)…I work part-time job in a convenient store…

Yuto: (Shout) WHAT?! (Whispers) if the school find out…you’re dead!

Dai-chan: I know! But I have to or else my family will starve!

Yuto: Dai-chan…you look like an easy girl but I salute you…

Dai-chan: *stomach growling*

Yuto: I only have bread…

Suke: ummm…ano…here! (Offer a full-packed bento)

Dai-chan: it’s very…very dazzling!!! (Over-acting)

Suke: ummm…Kei-chan put a lot but I can’t finish it all by myself! Yuto-kun too!

Dai-chan: (About to cry) thank you! Suke-chan!

Yuto: oi! Putting –chan in Suke-kun’s name is a little rude!

Dai-chan: but…when I’m looking at him…I just can’t tell his name with –kun!

Suke: it’s alright! I don’t mind! Let’s eat?

Dai-chan: really???!! Alright! *ITADAKIMASU! (*Let’s eat)

Yuto: (All-smile) woah…the food tasted so GOOD!

Dai-chan: wwhhaa!!! I feel like eating in a luxurious restaurant!

Suke: Kei-chan is a very good cook!

Dai-chan: (Stuffing her mouth with food) ne~ who’s Kei-chan?

Suke: my maid…my SISTER! Yeah…my sister…

Yuto: ahh…she’s very good!

Dai-chan: why did you suddenly transfer school in times like this? You’re friends must be sad…

Suke: (Sigh) no, they’re not…actually…I have no friends…

Yuto: if you’d like, we can be your friends!

Dai-chan: yeah! This guy’s right!

Suke: (Teary eyes) thank you very much!

Dai-chan: but something’s bothering me (Whispers) are you really 100% guy? You act girly many times so…

Suke: I AM!

Dai-chan: ah, sorry!

Yuto: we should hurry! P.E. class will be up next! We still have to get change!

Dai-chan: ah yeah!

Suke: P.E.? Where are we going to change?

Yuto: you can come with me! We will change in the boy’s locker room!

Suke: together?

Yuto: of course! We’re both guys!

Suke: (nervous) ummm (sweating)

Dai-chan: ne~ did you experienced something bad concerning boys?

Suke: no! It’s not like that…I…I had a scar mark on my chest from a heart surgery and I don’t want others to see it…

Yuto: ah, is that so? Then…I’ll be guarding the boy’s bathroom, you can change there, but you need to hurry so no one will get suspicious!

Suke: thank you!

               Thanks to Yuto, Suke can slip in this situation smoothly…but she’s not lying at all. She really had a scar on her chest but telling that also helps her to hide the fact that she’s a girl and it will only be trouble if anyone finds out!

~~~P.E. CLASS~~~

(Track and Field)

                Sensei knows Suke’s condition so she…I mean he will not be able to participate, as always…

Sensei: Everyone line up! Suke, can you please record their time!

Suke: Hai! Sensei!

~~~after 15 minutes~~~

Suke: good work everyone! (Offer everyone a drink)

Class: woah! So cold! So refreshing! Thanks, Suke-kun!

Suke: no problem!

~~~Another class having basketball as their P.E. activity~~~


Suke: (Watching the basketball match) Yuri-senpai?

Dai-chan: what about Yuri-senpai?

Suke: woah! That was high!!! (Getting excited) he got the ball!

Dai-chan: OI! Are you listening?

Suke: (Nervous) he’s going to shoot the ball at a very far distance?

Dai-chan: oi! OI!


            Because Suke’s “thinking out loud”, his excitement were being shown! Like a crazy fangirl! When Yuri-senpai got the point, he screamed because of happiness which caught everyone’s attention even the other class and Yuri-senpai himself.

Dai-chan: Suke, I know you were excited but screaming like that (Whispers) look, everyone’s staring!

Suke: (Blushing because of embarrassment) sorry…I didn’t mean to bother everyone! (Bows) (Take a glance at Yuri)

Yuri: (Smirks)

Suke: eh? Did he just smirk at me? Or is it my imagination? I feel uncomfortable…
Dai-chan: come on Suke-kun…P.E. class’s over!

             The day goes on and without everyone realizing, it’s already time to go home…Suke is walking alone in the hallway when Dai-chan came running and jump onto him…but…

Dai-chan: (Accidentally grabbed Suke’s chest) eh? What’s this? EH?

Suke: what?

Dai-chan: (Doing some hand gestures-like grabbing something) it feels like…there’s something soft and round…

Suke: eh? What are you saying?

Dai-chan: (Driving Suke in the corner) ne~ SUKE-“KUN”…mind explaining something to me?

Suke: what do you mean explaining?

Dai-chan: I may look like a dumb clueless girl but I can sense something like “THAT” thing!

Suke: but…ano…umm (You can really see how bad Suke is in lying)

Dai-chan: don’t you trust me?

Suke: it’s not like that! Do you have any plans today?

Dai-chan: hmm…it’s my day-off today so I guess I’m free!

Suke: then come with me!

              After the cleaning duty, Suke brings Dai-chan with him…He gave a signal on a car parked near the school by waving his hand…

Dai-chan: Suke-kun! I’m still a virgin!

Suke: what are you talking about?

Dai-chan: suddenly calling a car and…

Yuya: Miss Suki, good work today…Please got inside.

Dai-chan: Miss Suki? Who’s that?!

Suke: just come inside! We’ll talk later.

Dai-chan: ok!

              Despite of being caught into confusion, Dai-chan rode the car and ended up being silent the whole time because of amazement…

Yuya: Miss Suki, we’ve arrived!

Suke: thanks Yuya-kun!

Dai-chan: (Came out of the car) WOAH! Are we going to shoot a film? What’s with this? I can see Cinderella and Rapunzel from afar!

Suke: it’s my house actually…

Dai-chan: so you’re a rich kid??!!

Suke: you can say that! Come on inside!

Maids and Butlers lined up by the main door: WELCOME BACK! GOOD WORK ON YOUR SCHOOL MISS SUKI! WELCOME DEAR GUEST!

Dai-chan: (Taking off her shoes) it’s too amazing that it’s scary!

Suke: don’t remove your shoes please!

Dai-chan: ah…ok! Sorry!

Suke: it’s alright! Come on to my room! Please Kei-chan, tea for two, and please serve the Strawberry shortcake!

~~~Suki’s Room~~~

Suke: wait here for a moment, alright?

Dai-chan: yes! Suke’s room is a little…girly and frilly! Maybe he’s a “girly guy”!

Suki: sorry for the wait…

Dai-chan: waahh! How cute! Nice to meet you! I’m Dai-chan…are you Suke’s younger sister?

Suki: eh? It’s me! Suke!

Dai-chan: EEHHH??!! But…ahh…so that’s why you act so soft and girly…

Suki: (Hold Dai-chan’s hands) ne~ Dai-chan, please keep this a secret! You’re the only one that knows about me!

Dai-chan: but…why me? I’m nothing compared to everyone. I’m not pretty or smart and I’M NOT RICH AT ALL!

Suki: honestly speaking, you’re my first friend in my entire life and I don’t want to hide secrets to my precious friend…I want to treasure you!

Dai-chan: (Crying) no one…said…no one ever care so much for me…like you do…thanks……what’s your name?

Suki: Suki’s my real name!

Kei: (Knock) excuse me, I’ve brought the tea and cake…

Suki: come in! Kei-chan!

Dai-chan: so she’s not a sister right?

Kei: I’m a slave!

Dai-chan: SLAVE??!!

Suki: no, she’s my personal maid!

Kei: I grew up with Miss Suki…

Dai-chan: ahh…you also look pretty!

Kei: thanks! You’re too honest!

Yuya: ehem…don’t get too carried away! Kei-san!

Dai-chan: woah! Where did he come from?

Suki: don’t mind them…

Dai-chan: so, where are your parents?

Suki: they’re working overseas, and we only meet once a year…

Dai-chan: WHAT?! ONCE IN A YEAR?! That’s bad…you must be sad and lonely!

Suki: yeah, sometimes, but Kei-san and Yuya-kun were always there beside me and now I have you and Yuto-kun!

Dai-chan: I feel honored! Do you have any other siblings?

Suki: I have an older sister but she’s studying abroad as a university student…

Dai-chan: since you’re a rich kid, why didn’t you attend a school for the rich?

Suki: I did! Before I transfer to your school, I attended a prestigious school but things were not as easy as everyone thinks of it…I even got bullied and girls don’t want to be friend with me…

Dai-chan: what’s with those girls…tsk…makes me angry!

Suki: but that’s already in the past! I want to start a new so I transfer to a new school and even disguised myself as a guy.

Dai-chan: you know…acting as a guy, I should say you failed in that aspect! Your pretty face is too much for a guy!

Suki: then…can you please help me?

Dai-chan: alright!

Suki: whenever you have free time, please visit me ok?! And I guess going out is also good!

Dai-chan: alright! I’ll try my best!

             The two had a very good afternoon chatting with each other…Suki never laughed so hard in her entire life. She doesn’t want Dai-chan to go home but it’s getting late and it’s dark outside so she decided to send Dai-chan home by riding in her car to be driven by Yuya-kun.


Yuto: OI! Dai-chan! Morning!

Dai-chan: (Humming happily) morning!

Yuto: good mood huh?! What happened?

Dai-chan: nothing!!! I’m just happy!!!

Suke: (Walking near the gate) (Saw Yuto and Dai-chan walking) Dai- *mmpphhh…

Guy: (Covering Suke’s mouth) don’t struggle…

Suke: *Mmppphhhh (Bit the guy’s hand)

Guy: it’s just me!

Suke: Yuri-senpai? Why?

Yuri: I saw you cheering for me yesterday so I asked few of my classmates and some juniors about you…I should say you really look beautiful up close!

Suke: (Blushing) (I’m a guy! I’m a guy) umm…I…just like basketball!

Yuri: how about me? You like me?

Suke: eh??!!

Yuri: you know…I don’t mind dating (Move closer near Suke’s ear) a guy! If it’s as beautiful as you!

Suke: (nervous) (Please, someone help me!!!)

Dai-chan: OI! Yuri-senpai! Mind lending Suke-kun back?

Yuri: who are you?

Dai-chan: umm…Suke’s…Suke’s girlfriend!

Yuri: were you serious! Your boyfriend is much more beautiful and cuter than you!

Suke: (Angry) don’t insult Dai-chan! Yuri-senpai! Excuse us…

Dai-chan: don’t come near us!

Suke: and please, don’t do such things to others, or else you will be hated…

Dai-chan: Suke-kun, what’s with the “words of wisdom”?

Suke: I’m just concerned!

Yuto: hurry up! Homeroom will be starting without us!!!

Dai-chan: COMING!!!

Yuri: (Smelling his hand) he smells so good…I’ll make you mine, just wait!


Kota: ne~ Hika-papa, I miss Suki so much!

Hikaru: I know! But, I don’t know what to say to her after all those years that were not by her side!

Kota: (Hugs Hikaru) we need to get back on her and act as her parents!

Hikaru: (Kisses Kota on the forehead) Yes, Kota-mama, definitely!

Kota: and also Inoo-chan! Since her graduation is coming up, she’s getting very busy. Why don’t we pay a visit after the meeting next week?

Hikaru: but my dear, your health is still not good right? You can’t travel unless you’re completely ok…

Kota: but…I really missed Suki and Inoo-chan and I want to introduce them to our family’s new member!

Hikaru: I’ll think about it! You should sleep now taking care of Ryu-chan by yourself is very hard! And the wounds from the operation isn’t ok yet right…good night…

Kota: good night Hika-papa!

Hikaru: sweet dreams Kota-mama!

                     2 weeks from now, the school’s festival will take place. Every class were getting all excited and already planning on different events. Suke’s class were having some trouble deciding on what to do, Maid café, Haunted house or Takoyaki stall when suddenly, the student’s council president together with the vice and secretary came to Suke’s class...

Shiori (Class president): ah! Good morning, President!

Suke: ehh???!! Is that!!!

Class: good morning, Yuri-senpai! (Bows)

Dai-chan: didn’t you know? He’s the Student Body President!

Suke: I never heard of that!

Yuri: class president, as you know, every year, we were conducting a competition and whoever class wins will receive free tickets to a private resort for a whole week right?

Shiori: ah! Yes! The class who got the most points in track and field, basketball and baton-pass!

Yuri: but this year will be different! We personally picked only 3 classes to participate in this competition! Classes 3-A, 1-A and this class!

Dai-chan: wwaahh!!! Our class?! Free tickets?! Private resort?! I’m excited!

Yuto: Dai-chan, quiet!

Shiori: so which sports is it?

Yuri: actually…this year, it will be a battle of creativity, uniqueness, sharp memory and acting skills! A “stage play” where you will adapt the story from a very famous fairytale entitled “Sleeping Beauty”. Remember, the way you’ll perform the play has a very large point so good luck! And there’s a very “special” treat to who will win that act as Princess Aurora! That’s all! Continue the meeting!

Shiori: thank you very much, President!

Guy#1: what are we going to do now?
Girl#1: just acting the play normally is so plain! We will lose right away!
Girl#2: how about changing the story?
Guy#2: but the President told us that we should adapt the story from “Sleeping Beauty”…by changing the plot, they might deduct points!

Dai-chan: AH! Class President! I have a suggestion! Why don’t we switch the characters!

Shiori: what do you mean?

Dai-chan: I mean, for example, Princess Aurora is a girl right? Why don’t we let a guy act as Aurora then same goes with the other characters! That would be fun!

Shiori: that’s a great idea! Anyone objects? I guess no one! Alright, we will do a “Reverse Sleeping Beauty”, now we will be voting for the Princess Aurora’s role! Are there any guys on your minds that will fit perfectly to play Princess Aurora?

              The moment Class president asked that question, everyone slowly turn their heads synchronized with each other on the same way and direction ---àSUKE-KUN!

Shiori: so it’s decided! Suke-kun will be playing Princess Aurora’s role!

Suke: eh??!! But (Stares at Dai-chan)

Dai-chan: can I help Suke-kun in his dress and make-up? He needed some “girl” to help him right?

Shiori: well, you’re right! How about the Prince?

Girl#3: no girls were fit to play the Prince!

Shiori: then…I guess, this time, let’s switch again so…Yuto, can you take the Prince’s role?

Yuto: eh? Why me?

Shiori: you have experience and besides, you’re more manly compared to Suke-kun so it’s not a problem! Are there any objections?

Class: NONE!

Shiori: Princess Aurora will be played by Suke-kun and Prince will be played by Yuto-kun! This will be fun…ok…let’s move on the other casts and production staffs…


Suke: what should I do? What if I messed up? I’m very nervous!!!

Dai-chan: Aurora-chan! Calm down! Is it your first time in a play?

Suke: no, not really….in my previous school, we did “Romeo and Juliet”

Dai-chan: so what’s your role?

Suke: a tree!

Dai-chan: what?! A TREE?!

Suke: but I need to take two roles because my other classmate wasn’t feeling well!

Dai-chan: so what’s the other role?

Suke: a…a bush!

Dai-chan: WWHHHAATT???!! (Laughing very hard) BUSH??!!

Suke: but everyone in my class was very angry at me after the play…

Yuto: (Suddenly popped out) Why?

Dai-chan: hey! Don’t just butt in! Putting that aside, what’s the reason?

Suke: despite playing a very minor role, your face is still shown, and I can see that the audience was staring at me and not on Juliet or Romeo they got angry because they said I was stealing the attention of the viewers so they didn’t let me participate on the second act!

Dai-chan: hahaha…insecurity is everywhere!

Suke: ah! Question! How about the costume?

Dai-chan: the class will be working on it!

Suke: I can ask Kei-chan to make my Princess Aurora costume so the class can focus on Prince’s and other characters’ clothes!

Dai-chan: that would be great! But it’s our job to take care of everything so leave that to us! (Whispers) but I can give you some private lessons, if you want?

Suke: my pleasure! I really need your help on my lines!

Yuto: OI! What are you guys talking about?

Dai-chan: it’s about his “role”. I’ll be teaching him from now on!


Yuri: as expected! They will take advantage of Suki’s beauty!

Kento: Yuri-senpai, please don’t forget your agenda by doing this! Your father is getting impatient…

Yuri: I know that! You don’t need to tell me!

Kento: remember, you can’t possibly fall in love to that girl!

Yuri: that’s impossible! She’s only an instrument for our family’s success!

Kento: it’s good to hear that you clearly understand your purpose by staying on this school! But don’t overdo yourself…the wound is not yet completely healed!

Yuri: don’t treat me as a child Kento!

                Suki immediately started her “acting” lesson 101 with Dai-chan. But there’s a problem, she only had Dai-chan, Kei-chan and Yuya-kun as her audience and yet she’s very nervous, so they’ve work on that first. Dai-chan taught something to Suki to forget her nervousness! After the long preparation, everyone’s set already. But in their surprised, the gown that Suki should be wearing is all over the place, and there’s a note that says, “2-A’s were loser!” the staffs that work on the gown can’t take what happened and just cried…when…*ring *ring *ring

Dai-chan: you’re phone is ringing!

Suki: excuse me! Hello?

Kei-chan: I had a bad feeling! Is everything alright?

Suki: actually, no! Our class has been sabotage and the gown that I’m about to wear was destroyed but we still don’t know who did this?

Kei-chan: well, I have good news! Your mom sent a gown for your birthday but it got delayed so it just arrived today and there’s another one! We’ll be going there now! Wait for about 10 minutes! ~END CALL~

Suki: I got good news! The gown’s not a problem anymore but it will arrive for about 10 minutes.

Shiori: it is decided that we are the last one to perform! 1-A is almost finished! Then 3-A will be next so I guess there’s still 15 minutes more before our turn.

Dai-chan: ummm…we have a problem! I never applied make-up before!

Girl#1: what?! But no one had a proper make-up kit for Princess Aurora’s look!

Shiori: what should we do?! It’s a huge embarrassment to go out with that large amount of audience!!!

Yuto: we will ask the President for a short break after 3-A’s performance! Come on class pres!

Shiori: we will do our best!!! Please wait and don’t panic!

Dai-chan: really sorry, Suki…Suke-kun!

Suke: we need to calm down and wait…


Shiori: Yuri-senpai! Please, give us at least 15 minute time after 3-A’s play!

Yuto: please!

Yuri: 15 minutes huh…

Fuma (3-A’s President): Yuri-senpai, aren’t you being unfair? Giving them such favor?

Yuri: hmm…but I haven’t said anything yet!

Fuma: 2-A’s so clumsy…damaging their Princess’ gown!

Yuto: how’d you know? Only our class knows about this incident (Suspicious) unless you know something…

Fuma: (Defensive) OF COURSE NOT! Don’t accuse blindly!

Shiori: so what’s your decision Yuri-senpai?!


Suke: (About to cry) I can’t calm down at all!

Dai-chan: (Praying and kneeling) (Doing some funny ritual-like gestures) god of sun, moon and stars, mountains, valleys, and highlands…I, Daikiri is calling all the spirits that were roaming around to lend us your supernatural powers…

Guy#2: it’s very bad…Dai-chan is getting possessed!

Kei-chan: (Panting) SUKI-CHAN!


Kei-chan: (Sending some “get your classmates out of the room” signal to Dai-chan)

Dai-chan: we will take care of everything! So please check the stage…lighting, backdrops, props and other actors!!!

Girl#2: please! Please be ready!!!
Girl#3: we will be praying for you Suke-kun!
Guy#3: remember! You’re not alone! We will support you!
Guy#4: Suke-kun! Good luck!!!


Suke: (Happy) I’ll do my best!!!

Kei-chan: here! Wear this immediately!!! (Open the box)



Kei-chan: Suki-chan…wow…

Dai-chan: you look like a real princess!!! But I can’t do her face!

Kei-chan: Suki-chan closed your eyes! We will do your make-up and hair!

Suki: oh…ok!

Kei-chan: Ssshhh! (Whispers) Come in and start your “magic”!

Unknown: leave everything to me!

Dai-chan: (Talking without any sound) who is this beautiful lady?

Kei-chan: (Talking without any sound too) you’ll know later!


Suki: can I look now?

Kei-chan: oh dear, you’re so beautiful!

Suki: (Look in the mirror) I can’t believe what I’m seeing…my hair and make-up is so wonderful!

Inoo-chan: of course! Just anything won’t do! It must be SPLENDID!

Suki: EEHH??!?! Inoo-neechan?  (Teary eyes) Neechan…

Inoo-chan: don’t destroy my master piece!

Suki: oh! Sorry! (Hug Inoo-chan) I REALLY MISS YOU? When did you arrive?

Inoo-chan: the moment I heard that you will be playing a lead role in a play, I immediately fly over here, there’s no time for story-telling right now!

Suki: where’s Dai-chan?

Kei-chan: (Points at Dai-chan) there! But I doubt that she’s still alive!
Suki: Dai-chan! DAI-CHAN!

Dai-chan: Suki-chan…no…Princess Aurora…Please took me away with you!

Suki: Hey! Snap out of it! Come! We will be on standby within 2 minutes!

Dai-chan: ah! I daydreamed too long…LET’S GO!


Yuri: like 3-A’s President said, I shouldn’t pay too much attention on just one side.

Shiori: it’s impossible! Were gonna lose!

Fuma: (Smirks) (Whispers) it’s our victory!

Guy#1: Class Pres! Everything is set and alright now! Yuto-kun, standby!

Shiori: what?! But I thought…

Guy#1: A Fairy-godmother came earlier and sprinkled her magic pixies all around! Just watch! Princess Aurora is so…you won’t believe that he’s actually a guy! He’s so beautiful!!!

Yuto: I’ll be going now!

Fuma: tsk…what happened?!

Yuri: (Whispers) Your plans failed huh!

Fuma: what are you saying Yuri-senpai?

Yuri: don’t underestimate my authority! I saw everything, those dirty tricks that you did!

Fuma: (Nervous) I’ll check on my class now! Excuse me!

Kento: Yuri-senpai, I never thought you would go all this way just to investigate the accident!

Yuri: anything for Suki-chan…

Kento: I’m getting curious on what’s your true relationship with that girly-guy.
Yuri: let’s say…a key to success!

~~~2-A’s Room~~~

Kei-chan: you’re worried that’s why you came right? Inoo-chan…

Inoo-chan: it’s been a long time since Suki had her surgery…I’m afraid her condition is getting weaker again…

Kei-chan: as you can see, Suki-chan was smiling honestly now that she has friends!

Inoo-chan: yeah! I guess I was getting paranoid…losing another sibling will drive me crazy so I’ll do my best to protect her no matter what!

Kei-chan: your mother, Kota-san, it’s very hard on her to lose Ryu-chan too…

Inoo-chan: I don’t know what to do at that time. Seeing mother smiling while putting Suki to sleep despite the fact that she’s miserable because of Ryu-chan’s death, that’s when I realize that I should be strong and become her strongest fortress (Cries)

Kei-chan: (Comfort Inoo-chan) you’re a very strong kid! (Notices something on the floor) what’s this?

Inoo-chan: a letter addressed to Suki! From mother!

Kei-chan: come on! Let’s give it to Suki-chan! The content might help her boost her confidence!


Suki: (Peeking through the curtain) (Shaking) there’s SO MANY people!!!

Dai-chan: GOSHNESS! Suke-chan…you’re shaking like hell! Let’s support Suke-chan everyone! eh? OI! Everyone?!

Class: (Completely mesmerized by Suki) …

Suki: now getting even more nervous!!!


Guy#1: Suke-kun! Please go out with me!!!

Guy#2: no! Me!


Yuto: (Blushing) guys! I know how you feel but please…we’re about to perform, Right class president?

Shiori: (Mesmerized also) Suke-kun…

Dai-chan: (Hit everyone on the head) WAKE UP!!!

Class: AH! That hurts!

Shiori: ah sorry…GUYS! POSITION!

Suki: it’s no use…I can’t stop shaking!!!

Dai-chan: please…we need some miracle here…please…

Kei-chan: Suki-chan! Here…a letter from your mom!

Suki: mother? (Immediately open the letter)


   Dear Suki,
         Have you received mom’s gift? Actually, that’s my latest collection and I made it especially for you! Happy birthday honey, wish you all the best and were very sorry for not staying by your side. We will finish all our business immediately and come home soon! Hika-papa is trying his best on work too! Keep smiling alright?                                                                                 

Kei-chan: your mom really loves you Suki!

Suki: she said she loved me and she will be by my side soon! I will look forward to that! (Deep breathe) (Smiles) I’ll do my best!

Dai-chan: whhaa! Her aura changed suddenly! A cloud of confidence and Princess-like atmosphere surrounds her!!! Amazing!

Yuto: you’re right! I should also pull myself together!

ANNOUNCER: and now…please give a round of applause to 2-A’s “Reverse Sleeping Beauty”.

AUDIENCE: (Clapping their hands)

Suki: (Take a deep breath) (Serious face)

NARRATOR: Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom…a beautiful princess had been put to sleep for a very long time…

~~~Appearance of Princess Aurora~~~

AUDIENCE: (Murmuring)
>who was that?!
>so beautiful!!!
>is there a very beautiful student here in our school all this time?
>the pamphlet says the…what?! He’s a GUY!
>that pretty face is a GUY???!!
>Woah! He really looks like a girl! Even better!!!

Shiori: WOW! The audience’s reaction was a BOOM!

Dai-chan: my suggestion is really great! (Boastful)

Kei-chan: Suki-chan! Congratulations! But…Inoo-chan, didn’t you say that you have to take a video?

Inoo-chan: (Smirks) earlier, I installed 10 cameras for every angle already!

Kei-chan: Inoo-chan…that’s too much…

Dai-chan: (Clapping her hands) wow! Banzai! Oneechan!


Yuri: Princess Aurora?! (Immediately run toward the audience) (Mesmerized) Suki-chan…what’s the next part of their play?

Kento: after the action scene, Prince will go to Aurora’s room and give her a kiss!

Yuri: perfect…

Shiori: Prince! Please get ready!

Prince: I’m all set!

Suki: (On her mind: oh gosh, it’s the kiss scene already! Yuto-kun said that he will just fake it so I don’t need to worry. But I’m very nervous)

Prince: OH! Princess Aurora! The most beautiful princess in the kingdoms that reign! I’ve come to give you a kiss that will revive your consciousness again!

Suki: (Sleeping-pretending)

Prince: (Come closer) No need to worry anymore my princess! Your prince is here.

                  Everyone was so shocked when they witnessed the “fake” kissing scene! Even Class president were startled! It’s no “fake” kiss but a “real passionate” one!

Suki: (Nervous) (On her mind: Yuto-kun, you said you’re gonna fake it?! It’s my first kiss!)

Prince: Rise! My Princess!

Suki: (On her mind: I need to carry this until the end! I’ll do my best) (Wake up) Oh! My Prince! All this time, I’ve been sleeping and living with darkness all over me, but with your true love and sincere heart…the witch’s black magic broke!

Prince: my Princess, I would like for you to become my queen and rule my kingdom together!

Suki: certainly, my Prince!

Prince: (Suddenly carry Suki which is not in the script and kiss her again)

AUDIENCE: (Cheering)

Dai-chan: I’m gonna punch that Yuto!!!

Inoo-chan: wwaaahh!!! SUKI! My SUKI!

Yuto: (Panting) (Still had the ropes around him) NO! THAT’S NOT ME!!!

Dai-chan: YUTO??!! If Yuto’s here then who the heck was that?

Yuto: someone suddenly hit me in the head so I lose consciousness. The moment I wake up, I was bonded and in the locker! It took a while to get myself out…

Dai-chan: who was that guy!!! How dare he kiss Suki-chan like that!!!

Yuto: what kiss?

Dai-chan: a real and passionate kiss!!!

Yuto: what??!! I promised Suke-kun that it will be a fake one…maybe he still think that it was me!


Class: good work! Suke-kun!

Dai-chan: are you alright, Suke-chan!!!

Suki: dai-chan! It’s my first kiss…Yuto’s cruel!

Yuto: Suke-kun! It wasn’t me!

Suki: then who was that?!

Dai-chan: where is her by the way?!

Suki: he went in the other side!

Dai-chan: (Stomping her feet) WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!


Kento: Yuri-senpai, are you alright? Do you want anything?

Yuri: (Panting) (Removing the “Prince” costume)

Kento: Yuri-senpai!!!

Yuri: please Kento…leave me alone…

Kento: (Worried face) Yuri-senpai…I can’t! I promise I’ll be by your side when you need me!

Yuri: (Collapse on the sofa) (Clenching his chest) what is this feeling?

Kento: (Startled) YURI! Is there something wrong?! Something hurts?!

Yuri: no, not physically! I mean…when I kissed Suki, there something strange inside me!

Kento: don’t tell me…

Yuri: the plan…I think I can’t go with the plan anymore…seeing her smile makes me feel at ease. I can’t possibly see her hurt or crying…Kento…

Kento: I knew it! You’re still a softie inside despite your cold attitude! (Drink this)
Yuri: (Drinks) I feel dizzy! Kento, how can you (Lose consciousness)

Kento: I only put some sleeping pills…sweet dreams YURI! (Phone ringing) (Answer the phone)

Yuri’s father: Kento, how are things going on there?

Kento: we had a problem Sir! Yuri’s not acting as planned anymore!

Yuri’s father: I’m leaving the rest to you! Do anything just to get that girl in our control! Get rid of those who were in our way!

Kento: (Smirks) I already expect something like this might happen! Leave everything to me (End of conversation) Yuri, I’m sorry but I need your name to accomplish my mission. Sleep tight! (Inject different medicines)

                It was announced that 2-A won the competition! And on their way already to their precious prize, “free entrance to a private resort”. Everyone enjoyed their short stay in the resort…aside from the “confused Suke” who experienced something VERY unexpected!!!

~~~FLASHBACK (on the important part)~~~

                Yuto and Suke were in the same room, good enough to make Suke very uncomfortable and blank-minded! Suke felt like there’s someone staring at her, eh, him the whole trip making her very cautious of her surroundings. It’s already afternoon, Suke lie down on the bare sand and watch the sun set. He closed his eyes and savoring the cool breeze and the sound of the crashing waves when suddenly…

Guy: (Walked silently) (Covers Suke’s eyes with his hand and…)

Suke: Dai-chan?

Guy: (Pin Suke down) hey there Missy! You’re so cute! Wanna have some fun?

Suke: I’m a guy!!!

Guy: you must be kidding me! (Rip Suke’s shirt) then what are these huh?! (Start touching Suke in weird places)

Suke: (Struggling but can’t do anything because of her skinny body) HELP!

Guy: (Covers her mouth) SHUT UP! GAL!

Suke: (Crying very hard) (Getting weaker and weaker)

Guy: (Getting on the lower part O////O)


Yuto: (Kicked the guy very, very hard) EAT THIS PERVERTED GUY!!!

Guy: (Spitting blood) tsk….what a bother! (Leaves)

Yuto: are you al…

Suke: (Suddenly hug Yuto) (Crying)

Yuto: (Startled) don’t worry…It’s alright now! I’m really sorry for being late…

Suke: (Crying) (Shaking) I’m…I’m…

Yuto: (Kissed Suke…no, It’s Suki now) (Blushing)

Suki: (Blushing) Yuto…but…were both…

Yuto: I already know, Suki! Your actions are way too soft and delicate for a guy so I started being suspicious! And one time, I accidentally overheard Dai-chan and you talking and she calling you “Suki”.

Suki: what?!

Yuto: (Take off his shirt and cover it to Suki) the first time I saw you, my heart started pounding and every night, I can’t sleep without thinking of you! (Blushing)

Suki: (Blushing also) Yuto-kun…

Yuto: I know this might be a little sudden but…I really like you, Suki! You don’t have to answer right away!

Suki: (Collapse)

Yuto: Suki? SUKE? SUKI? Who should I call? SUKI?! OI!

                  So in the end, Suki collapse and lose her consciousness during Yuto’s important confession. But then, Yuto gently carry Suki (Princess-style)

Yuto: Suki, I looked forward to our play, imagining myself carrying Princess Aurora like this but…well, nevermind…at least right now, I can do this! Sleep tight, my Princess!

Yuri: (Coughing) Kento, what are you planning by locking me up here in this room?! KENTO!!! I TRUSTED YOU! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!

Kento: (Looking for something in Yuri’s table drawer) I’m sorry Yuri-senpai, your father is my master. His orders were absolute!

Yuri: (Bonded with rough ropes in arms, hands, legs and feet) Kento…I know you’re doing all of this with a valid reason! Just tell me and I’ll understand!

Kento: (Step on Yuri foot) I HATE YOU!

Yuri: Kento…no, who are you?! I don’t know you! where’s Kento!!!

Kento: (Smirks) you’re talking to the “real” Kento! (Locked the door)

Yuri: Suki, please be safe…someone please save her! (Lying on the floor)


Yuto: (Carrying Suke’s bag) Good morning Dai-chan!

Suke: (Acting all shy and embarrassed) Morning Dai-chan…

Dai-chan: what’s this?! Guy-to-guy relationship is a NO-NO!!!

Suke: Dai-chan, Yuto-kun already…

Yuto: (Hold Suke’s hand) (Acting all proud) Suke and I were dating!

Suke: (Cover Yuto’s mouth) don’t shout or else they will think were homos!

Dai-chan: (Snatched Suke away from Yuto) you HOMO GUY! I know Suke’s cute but he’s a guy!

Yuto: Dai-chan, I’m not a HOMO because Suke’s (Whispers) a girl…

Dai-chan: SO YOU? I MEAN…SINCE WHEN? WHY DIDN’T I HEAR ABOUT IT? WHEN DID YOU??? YOU!!! Eh! Wait! Your necklace is so cute!!!

Suke: (Blushes) Yuto gave it to me…

Dai-chan: Yuto…you sneaky fox!

Yuto: I save up my allowance just to buy a necklace that will suit her!

Suke: but I don’t really want anything!

Yuto: it’s ok! It really suits you, Suki-chan!

Dai-chan: (Uncomfortable) ehem! I’m here! Hello?! I’m really curious on what happened exactly!

Suke: (Trying to calm Dai-chan down) let’s talk about it later in our house! The 3 of us!
Yuto: (Blushes) I was invited too?

Suke: of course!

Kento: (Hiding) hmm…LIGHT BULB!!! (Smiling) (Leaves)


Dai-chan: (Reading a letter) (Crying)

Yuto: Dai-chan!!! Where’s Suki, I mean Suke? Didn’t she say that the 3 of us will…Dai-chan?! Are you alright?

Dai-chan: (Give the letter to Yuto) I found it inside my locker!

Yuto: Suki? (Reads the letter)

            You’re the worst! POOR people like you should go to your proper places instead of leeching through the rich people just to benefit!!! I didn’t plan to be friends with you at the first place, but I pity you so I did! Acting all too familiar with me is so disgusting! Don’t ever come any closer to me!

                                                                            You’re beloved friend,

Yuto: Suki…this can’t be…she will never say stuffs like this!!!

Dai-chan: I’ll be going home first…and tell her I’m sorry for being poor…

Yuto: Dai-chan! Wait…I’ll talk to her!!!

Dai-chan: (Walking like her soul escaped from her body) Bye…

Yuto: Suki…where are you?

Suki: (Came out behind the lockers) Yuto…I have something to tell you…

Yuto: me too! Why did you do that to Dai-chan? All this time…

Suki: Yuto…I know this is very sudden but…my feelings for you weren’t that deep at all…I’m just confused at that time so…

Yuto: No…Suki…don’t tell me…

Suki: Yuto, I want to break up with you!

Yuto: Suki! Why so suddenly? What have I done? Just tell me!!!

Suki: things just won’t work out with the both of us! There’s not a single love inside me for you at all!!!

Yuto: (Collapse on the ground) Suki, please think about it…

Suki: I already think about it many times…Good bye Yuto…

Yuto: (Crying)

Suki: (Came back) (Sat on the ground) (Hold Yuto’s hands) Yuto…

Yuto: Suki?! Have you realized already?

Suki: (Open Yuto’s hands and gave back the necklace) I just forgot to give it back to you, Bye!

Yuto: (Crying hard) SUKI!!!

Suki: (Walking fast) (Crying)

Kento: (Hugs Suki) Stop crying Princess…you did a very good job! Your acting is great!

Suki: (Pushes Kento away) why?! Why do you have to hurt both Dai-chan and Yuto like that?!

Kento: because they’re on my way and they pisses me off!

Suki: you’re so evil! I never thought behind that “kind” mask is a very nasty person! I’m gonna tell everything to the teachers!

Kento: then try! If the teachers know about this, I’m gonna get that Daikiri’s father fired in his work and her family will get even worse and worse…or I’ll have that Yuto beaten up by this school’s greatest gang! Which one?

Suki: Kento!!! Why?! Why are you doing this kind of stuffs?!

Kento: an order is an order! Besides, my Master needed you!

Suki: me?! Why?! And who in the world is your Master?!

Kento: first, text your butler that you don’t need him to pick you up!

Suki: (Do as Kento say) it’s done…

Kento: (Snatched Suki’s phone and throw it away) COME ON GUYS! BRING HER!

Suki: WHAT??!!! HEY! LET ME GO!!!

Guy: (Punch her in the stomach)

Suki: (Lose her consciousness) someone…help…

Kota: (Felt something) I have a bad feeling, Hika-papa…

Hikaru: what?! Did you eat something bad?

Kota: no, not that! I just can’t get myself to calm down…

Hikaru: (hugs Kota-mama) it will be alright! Maybe you’re just not feeling well…you must rest now!

Kota: no! I can feel that there’s something bad happening…

Hikaru: (Kiss Kota-mama gently in the forehead) Calm down!

Kota: Hika-papa…alright…


Kei: it’s already pass 7, Suki’s still not home! It’s already dark outside!!! Stupid Yuya! Why didn’t you look after her?

Yuya: she texted me and told me that she don’t need me to pick her up!

Kei: and you really did?! STUPID!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA SAY TO HER PARENTS?!

Yuya: let’s wait until tomorrow! If she’s still not here until tomorrow, we have to report this already!

Kei: Suki-chan…Please, wherever you are, I wish you’re safe!

Suki: (Blinking her eyes) where am I? What are these? (Tied up both hands and feet) KENTO!!! KENTO!!! LET ME OUT!!!

Yuri: (Tied up and blind-folded) eh? Who’s there?!

Suki: (Looking for the voice) where are you?! Who are you also?

Yuri: (Locked up in another dungeon beside Suki) that voice…Suki?

Suki: (Found it) (Startled) GOODNESS! YURI-SENPAI??!!

Yuri: what are you doing here Suki-chan?! Don’t you know that it’s very dangerous?!

Suki: the last thing I remember was being punch by a guy and then I lose my consciousness…

Yuri: it’s all Kento’s doing! I have to something about it!!!

Suki: Yuri-senpai…isn’t Kento and you partners? Why are you looking like that?

Yuri: it’s a long story…he betrayed me! The important thing is for you to get out of here!!!

Suki: how about you?! You look so weak, those wounds around your body looks severe!!!


Suki: you’re father?!

Yuri: listen carefully! My father is after your wealth and fortune, he’s planning on black-mailing your parents through you and Kento’s his right hand! I never thought that father would go this far and abandon me just to get all the fame and fortune he wants…but here’s the thing…no matter what, don’t ever sign on anything! They won’t kill you because they want you alive and breathing! Remember, no matter what!!! DON’T SIGN OR GIVE YOUR STAMP INTO ANYTHING!

Kento: (from afar) hmm…seems like my lovely guest is having a chit-chat with my caged bird!

Yuri: KENTO! Don’t you ever try to hurt Suki!!!

Kento: and what if I did? It’s not like you can touch me or anything right?

Yuri: YOU COWARD!!! You’re just brave because you’re free and there are many people behind you!

Kento: (Remove Yuri’s blindfold violently) what did you…YURI-SENPAI?!

Suki: Yuri-senpai…

Yuri: don’t think that you’re so high Kento! Just because father trust you doesn’t mean you can replace me!

Kento: (Punch Yuri in the stomach) I have own plans Yuri and your father were dancing around my palms!

Yuri: what are you talking about?

Kento: I’m gonna let your father experience the same pain that my family experienced because of him! And I’ll start with his precious son! (Get a pale of cold water) here, cool yourself down, Yuri-senpai!

Suki: YURI-SENPAI!!!!! (Crying) please, stop it Kento! Please!

Kento: oh, so you want some cold treat too, Princess?

Yuri: (Shivering) (Shaking) (Coughing) (Can’t barely stand because of the pain, wounds all over his body and the cold water) please, not Suki!

Kento: aawww…so touching! Then here’s another one for you Yuri!!!


Suki: YURI!!! YURI!!! PLEASE! STOP IT ALREADY!!! (Crying very hard)

Kento: it’s getting dramatic here…well then…until later! Bye-bye! (Left)

Suki: Yuri-senpai! Why did you do that?! Why did you save me earlier?!

Yuri: I can’t afford to let Kento hurt that most precious girl in my life…


Yuri: I didn’t know that you can say those kinds of words!

Suki: Yuri…why?

Yuri: I hated my name ever since I was born. Hearing others saying my name irritates me! But when you’re calling my name, it sound so good and gentle and nice…I never thought that it will sound so special…

Suki: YURI! YURI! YURI! (Crying)

Yuri: (Faint laugh) it’s like an angel was calling me to come with her! Since we’re gonna stay here for a bit longer…can you please lend me your ears for some boring stories?

Suki: of course!

Yuri: before I transfer to our school, I was attending a prestigious school together with Kento. Were best friends ever since were young, but his parents died, I don’t know how, that’s when father adopted Kento and become part of our family! Then one day, father talk to the both of us and said that we have a very important mission so we immediately transferred into different school and he gave an envelope with all the information about you, even a photo. Seeing your photo makes my heart beats like crazy. But Kento, after transferring school becomes a little odd! He became so secretive. But I can’t believe how Kento’s been acting! I know him far more than anyone!

Suki: as far as I remember, he told something like letting your father experience the same pain that his family experienced right?! What does that mean?

Yuri: now that you mentioned it…maybe the answer were hidden behind what happened on the past…

Yuri: we might still do something to turn the table…


Kota: (Phone ringing) a phone call from home?

Hikaru: answer it!

Kota: Hika-papa, I swear, something’s not right! (Answer the phone) Hello? Kei-san?!

Kei: Madam, I’m really sorry to say but…Suki has been gone missing for 3 days already…

Kota: (Collapse on the floor) (Tears ascended down to her cheeks) Hika-papa…Suki…Suki…

Hikaru: (Pull Kota-mama on his chest) Suki…my dear…please be strong…let’s pack up already! Were gonna fly home right away…

Kota: Hika-papa…my dear Suki is… (Crying)

Hikaru: everything will be alright! And this time, were gonna start a new…and act as real parents…

Kota: Inoo-chan…how about Inoo-chan? Does she know already?

Hikaru: but she’s busy right now…we should take actions ourselves!

Kota: Ryu-chan?

Hikaru: of course he will be coming too…we should let them meet him! Besides, he’s not a baby anymore!

Ryu-chan: Mama, Papa…when will I meet Inoo neechan and Sukichan?

Kota: (Wipe her tears) (Hug Ryu-chan) soon my dear! Very soon…

Hikaru: (Smiling) you’re a very great mom, Kota-mama…


Dai-chan: it’s been 3 days huh…I guess she really don’t want to see us anymore…but things were tougher for you Bamboo guy, broking up is a little…

Yuto: 3 days…but there’s something odd when she broke up with me that day…

Dai-chan: what?

Yuto: when gave the necklace back…the way she hold my hands were…as if she don’t want to let go…it’s gentle and warm…

Dai-chan: ne~ come to think of it…were just talking normally at that day but why does she suddenly…eh, what’s this?

Yuto: that’s Suki’s notebook…looks like a diary or something…

Dai-chan: wha…so cute! It’s super cute! There were cherry blossoms inside too!!! Wow! So girly!!!

Yuto: you really like her huh…

Dai-chan: I just can’t accept the fact that she did that to us! We treated her as our precious friend!!! How can she do that… (The diary fell down on the floor and a piece of loose paper appeared in between the pages) eh? What’s this?

Yuto: it’s kinda messy…seems like it got wet by something…the writing is a little messy and shaky…

Dai-chan: eh? Look, correct me if I’m wrong but… (Point to the paper) these were our names right?

Yuto: yeah you’re right! I know it’s not right to touch other people’s stuff but as long as we’re concerned and involved…then


         I don’t know what to do anymore…why does I always end up hurting those people who were very important to me…I hate this…but I  can’t afford to let Dai-chan and Yuto’s life be at stake…although it breaks my heart to do those cruel things to them…I will always treasure them in my heart no matter what…I’ll rather hurt myself than making their life miserable…right now…Kento is about to…(This part is torn apart)… good bye my dear friends…

Dai-chan: (Crying) Suki-chan…i…I don’t know what to think anymore…Suki-chan…

Yuto: so there’s something behind those sudden happenings…and I think, Kento

has something to do with this!
Dai-chan: let’s ask him directly!!! Come on…


Yuto: excuse us, is Kento-senpai here?

Guy: he’s not here!

Dai-chan: ah…is that so! Ok, we’ll look for him in the student’s council office then…

Guy: no, I mean he’s not here in the school! He’s been absent for 3 days already!

Yuto: 3 days? Why?

Guy: don’t know!

Yuto: ah…thanks!

Dai-chan: come to think of it…Suki-chan’s been absent for 3 days already too! It’s getting on my nerves! Let’s go to Suki’s house right now! I just can’t sit calmly like this!!!


Yuto: (Nervous) (Gulps) (Hesitant to push the doorbell)

Dai-chan: YUTO! Are you going to push it or not?! I’ll do it! (Pushes the doorbell)

Maid: who is it?

Dai-chan: we’re Suki-chan’s classmate! Is she inside?

Maid: haven’t you heard? Miss Suki’s been missing for 3 days already! Everyone is getting all worked up finding information of her where-abouts!

Yuto: MISSING??!! Kento…umm…can go inside? Maybe we can contribute some small details!

Maid: please go ahead!

Dai-chan: Kei-san!!!

Kei: Dai-chan??!! Oh goodness, I’m glad you’re here! Suki-chan!!! Suki-chan’s missing!!!

Dai-chan: please calm down…we have something to say that may help a bit!

Kei: alright…please sit down…

               Dai-chan and Yuto told Kei what happened to them concerning Suki, the letter on Dai-chan’s locker and her break up with Yuto…they presented the letter from the locker and the piece of paper to Kei…

Kei: this writings in the piece of paper were Suki’s penmanship but this one that you said from the locker…I swear, Suki’s writing style weren’t like that! I knew her ever since she was born and I don’t remember seeing her write like this!

Dai-chan: which means…someone else wrote this!

Kei: this Kento…can you tell me every single thing you know about him?

Yuto: well…since I’m the class’ representative, I get to enter the student’s council
office often and… (He continue to tell every single thing he knew)


Kei: Hanazawa Ren…

Dai-chan: he’s Yuri-senpai’s father!


Kei: President and Madam??!! Eh? Who is this cute little boy?

Kota: it’s been a long time Kei-san!!! I’ll tell you later!

Hikaru: let’s continue the celebration later! Let’s get down to the business now…how’s it going Kei?

Kei: these were Suki-chan’s friends…

Dai-chan & Yuto: good day!

Kei: after a long time of talking and stuffs…we came down to a very interesting name…Hanazawa Ren!

Kota: (Suddenly stand up) Hika-papa! How can Oniisan’s name get involved here?

Kei, Dai-chan & Yuto: ONIISAN???!!!

Yuya: yes, Hikaru-sama and Jesse-sama was half-brothers!

Kei: YUYA?! When did you arrived and where? And how’d you know? Who in the world is Jesse-sama?

Yuya: I’ve been by Hikaru-sama’s side when we were kids and I knew how simple-minded Jesse-sama was!

Hikaru: I knew it…he’s still as childish as ever! Afraid to let anyone surpass him! But involving my daughter in this is unforgivable!!!

Kota: Hika-papa…what does he want from us?

Hikaru: Otousama was very kind but when it comes to business, he always considers the best and most efficient! Between Oniisan and me, he prefer to hand the business to me because Oniisan is quite hasty and the kind who act first, think later which Otousama hated the most! Oniisama, thinking that Otousama didn’t take him seriously and doesn’t love or give significance to him rebelled against our family and because of those sudden events, Otousama got heart attacked and cause his death. On Otousama’s funeral, even Oniisama’s shadow weren’t seen by anyone. Many years have passed Oniisan and I’s meeting weren’t as brothers anymore but as business rivals! He also changed his name into Hanazawa Ren!

Kota: but what does Suki had to do with this?

Hikaru: I don’t know Kota-mama, that’s why we need to be more alert!

Kei: I’ve been here for so many years but I only understand some things now…

Yuya: I may look like this but I carry those secrets on my back and kept my mouth shut for many years!

Kei: I’m more amazed on you Yuya! I never expected that you will sound so smart for even once!

Yuya: I’ll take that as a compliment!

Dai-chan: but…where can they possibly take Suki-chan to?


Yuri: (Just woke up) Suki-chan…Suki-chan…are you awake? Suki-chan?!

Suki: (No Response)

Yuri: Suki-chan!!!

Suki: it’s…so cold…cold! Someone! Please help me! Cold…

Yuri: don’t tell me you catch a cold? Tsk…I can’t even do something!

Suki: cold… (Shivering) (Shaking) (Perspiring really hard) cold…

Yuri: (Frustrated) I’m so useless!!! SOMEONE!!! PLEASE HELP!!! HELP!!! (Stand up and put all of his strength to bump the railings to make a loud noise) (He did it over and over again)


Yuri: there’s someone! SUKI-CHAN HAS A VERY HIGH FEVER!


Yuri: Kento’s gonna kill you if his dearest guest died here! I swear!

Guy: (Gulps) (Walking towards Suki’s portion)

Yuri: (Saw a knife and the keys on the guy’s pocket) (He kicked the guy)

Guy: are you trying to get on my nerves?!

Yuri: move away! You stink!!!

Guy: be thankful that you’re behind these bars or else…

Yuri: (While the guy is blabbing, Yuri take the chance to pick up both the knife and keys) (Got himself out) now that I’m NOT BEHIND the bars, what are you going to do?

Guy: what? How did you?! AARARRRGGGHHH!!! (About to punch Yuri but he went flying in the air with his amazing flipping style)

Yuri: I’m here you moron!!! (Gave the guy a very powerful kick and two extra hard punch) SLEEP!

Guy: (Knock out!)

Yuri: (Quickly opens Suki’s locked door) SUKI!!! Oh goodness…you’re burning up!!!

Suki: Yuri? Look at your face…full of bruises! But you still look handsome…

Yuri: there’s no time for complimenting me right now! We need to get out of here!

Suki: but you don’t look good too! Maybe I’ll just give up and do what they want…

Yuri: NO!!! I WON’T PERMIT THAT TO HAPPEN! Come on, cling to me!

Suki: (Looking at Yuri) Yuri, I think I love you… (Kisses Yuri in the lips)

Yuri: (Stunned) why does it seems so sweeter when you’re the one who initiate it…

Suki: Hmmm?

Yuri: no, nothing! Come on!

              Yuri and Suki immediately escaped through the dungeons and came walking in the hallway with fearful expressions trying to see if there’s someone behind them…they’re almost at the end of the hallway when suddenly…

Yuri: Fa…Father?!

Ren: where do you think are you going you impudent brat!

Yuri: why are you doing this to Suki?! Look, she’s burning up already!

Ren: it’s all her father’s fault that became so miserable!!! KENTO! Bring these two to my office right away!

Kento: yes, Master!


Yuya: all of the police stations that we contacted reported that there’s nothing suspicious in warehouses where this kind of cases were happening!

Kei: let’s contact them again!!!

Hikaru: there must be something we forgot to consider…

Kota: Suki dear…where are you…

Yuto: if you’re looking for something important, look to the places where you least expected it to be hidden…

Dai-chan: ahh! I remember doing some kind of activity about that! Sensei told us to close our eyes then she hid the pencil, she asked us to look for it so we searched the whole room at the end…we didn’t find it! We were very surprised when she pulled out the pencil out of the pencil case in the front desk! We never expected she just pull it out and put it back…sometimes, you don’t need to put too much effort and thinking into something…that’s it!

Hikaru: ahh…there’s still one place…Hanazawa Ren’s Mansion!

Kota: (Phone ringing)

Inoo-chan: Mom?! Is it true that Suki’s missing?! Why didn’t you tell me?! You don’t know how worried I was!!! Where are you right now? Where’s Dad?

Kota: Inoo-chan! Inoo-chan…please calm down! Hika-papa and everyone were doing their best to find Suki, just pray for everyone’s safety, alright?

Inoo-chan: but Mom…

Kota: Inoo-chan…

Inoo-chan: alright…please take care and I love you Mom and Dad!

Kota: good girl! Bye-bye! Take care and we love you too.

Kei: (Phone ringing) yes?! Who’s this? To Hikaru-sama? He said he want to talk to you President!

Hikaru: who’s this? Oniisan?!

Ren: it’s been a while my little brother!!! Guess who’s with me right now?

Hikaru: Oniisan…don’t you dare touch my daughter!

Ren: how can I hurt my cute little niece?! But right now…she’s having a high fever, what should I do?

Hikaru: Ren…no, Jesse, stop this already!!! I’ll do what you want! Just tell me!

Ren: I want you and your wife ONLY to come here in my humble house and don’t try to contact any police!!!

Hikaru: ok! Ok! I got it! We’ll be there in a while!

Ren: I’ll be waiting, little brother!

Hikaru: Kota-mama, we will be going to Ren’s mansion, but he only wants the two of us, nothing else…no police!

Kota: Ryu-chan, Mama and Papa will be going out for a while, stay with Kei-chan ok? Be a good boy alright?

Ryu-chan: hai! Mama! Papa!

Kei: (Move Ryu-chan closer to her) please take care Madam! President!

Hikaru: then…we will be going!

Yuya: please this way…

Hikaru: no Yuya, I’ll be the one to drive! Please take care of the rest…and thank you for your loyal service in our family!

Yuya: my loyalty will always be just for you Hikaru-sama, Kota-sama!

                    Hikaru and Kota immediately went to Ren’s mansion as Ren instructed them to…in no time, they already arrived and have their way inside the mansion were Ren, Suki, Yuri and Kento were!

Ren: welcome brother! Have a sit!

Kota: (Crying) oh my goodness! Suki!!! She looks terrible!!! (About to run toward Suki)

Ren: Kota-san…don’t you dare touch Suki or else I might do something I shouldn’t…got it?

Hikaru: (Keep Kota-mama in his arms) how can you do this to your own niece!!! Please stop crying Mama…

Kota: my dear daughter…

Ren: I just want you to sign some papers…papers that will serve as a strong proof that you transfer all the power and authority of the company to me!

Hikaru: JESSE! Would you really go that far just to get the company?!

Ren: I’ve been into deepest misery while Otousama and you were celebrating together with the board members! I worked hard just to get where I am now!!! You will never understand what I’ve been through!

Hikaru: Jesse…

Suki: (Lying on the floor) (Woke up) Mom? Dad?

Kota: Suki!!! SUKI!!! Dad and Mom are here!!! (Look to Hika-papa) Hika-papa…Suki…

Yuri: (Lying on the floor) Father…please…stop this already…too many people were suffering because of your selfish desires…please…stop it…

Ren: you don’t have any rights to order me!!! YOU’RE NOT EVEN MY OWN SON!!!

Yuri: WHAT?! But father…

Ren: someone left you outside my mansion’s gate…you’re an abandoned kid!

Yuri: (Crying unconsciously) (Shocked) that’s why…I felt so empty deep inside…
(Deep in thought)

Suki: Yuri… (Crawling slowly towards Yuri) Yuri…

Ren: Kento! The papers!

Kento: here it is Master…

Ren: dear little brother…let’s get it all over!!! Sit here and sign it quickly…

Hikaru: as promised, I will sign these papers in exchange of my daughter…
                Hikaru is quite hesitant at first but seeing his daughter suffering like that, he signed the papers with teary eyes while Kota is sitting beside him holding his other hand…

Hikaru: it’s done…

Ren: finally…I’m the official President of the…

Kento: (Snatch the papers to Ren) Thank you master for getting things easy for me!

Ren: what are you doing Kento?! Give those documents back to me!!!

Kento: for all those years, I acted under your command! Doing all your selfish wants and evil plots! Today’s the right time to smash you into tiny bits!

Ren: what are you blabbering about?! GIVE THOSE PAPERS TO ME! NOW!

Kento: it’s your fault that my family turned into just a memory!!!

Ren: I don’t know what you’re talking about!

Kento: I saw what you did that night to my parents!!!

Ren: what?!

Kento: your acting was perfect! You grabbed my parents’ heart by acting all pitiful and humble, you even infiltrate our company and when you’re finally well-dressed and respectful-looking…your attitude is changing also, little by little showing your “true colors”. You together with my parents were talking in the guest room that night, the conversation seems so intense and both you and my father had a verbal argument while mother is shaking because of your rude way talking to them. I was only 3 then so I don’t really understand a thing…you grabbed the vase beside you and hit father in the head! When you saw blood from father’s head, you panic because mother was there too witnessing the whole, afraid that she might turn you over to the police, you did the same to her! (Crying) I remember every single thing that happened that night! I swear that someday, I’ll get my revenge to you!!!

Ren: what are you saying? (Shaking) I didn’t…

Hikaru: How can you do those kinds of things? You even killed a person!

Ren: NO! It was an accident! I didn’t really intend to kill them! I lose my temper and my mind went blank…

Kento: ACCIDENT?! Then the fabrication of the company’s authority transfer was also an accident?! TELL ME!

Ren: (Speechless) (Shocked)

Hikaru: Jesse…

Ren: it’s Otousama’s fault! If he just looked at me even a little bit…I wouldn’t have to do something to get his attention all to myself!!! If he only shows that he loves me even a bit…I know that he loves you more because you’re his “REAL” son and we’re just half brothers but…but…

Hikaru: he did!

Ren: what?!

Hikaru: when were together, Otousama always talks about you…he didn’t know how to approach you because you don’t seem to like him! Even though he’s very busy, he always took the trouble to ask me to buy something for your birthday because he’s not sure if you’re gonna like his gift!

Ren: why are you only telling that to me now? Now that everything is too late!!! On Otousama’s funeral, I don’t know what to do…I’m afraid to show myself to everyone because I know you guys were thinking that it’s all my fault that Otousama got heart attacked! I run away!

Hikaru: before Otousama died, he gave this little bear-keychain! It’s his gift for your 1st birthday but he’s too coward to give it to you…he apologize many times and cried...”Please, tell your older brother that I’m very sorry for not acting like a father to him” those were his last words before leaving us…

Ren: (Collapsed on the floor) Otousama…I became a bad and disgusting person misunderstanding everything…killed a person, hurting an innocent kid and kidnapping a clueless child…

Kento: (Irritated) THE DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE!!! (Pull out a gun)

Kota: DEAR! A GUN!!!

Kento: (Pointing the gun to Ren) you’re gonna pay for this…

Suki: (Coughs) Kento-senpai…your heart is crying right now because it’s lonely and longing for love right?

Kento: what?!

Suki: do you think your parents will be glad if their son killed a person? No parents want their child to be a criminal!

Kento: you don’t understand how I feel!!! You have both of your parents!!!

Suki: I also felt the loneliness because they’re not by my side…but thinking that they gave birth to me, it’s already a wonderful thing! Introducing me into the world!

Kota: Suki…my dear…we’re very sorry…

Suki: even Yuri suffered a lot…do you think doing the same to others will bring you that “happy and satisfied” feeling? It will only bring misery and fear!

Kento: (slowly putting the gun down) (Drop it on the floor)

Ren: Kento…I’m not expecting you to forgive me but better say it now than never…I sincerely apologize for everything that I did to you and your parents…I’M REALLY SORRY! (Bowing)

Kento: it’s not easy to forgive…let’s allow time to heal the wounds…

Ren: (Stand up) I will properly surrender to the police and accept the punishment meant for me…the company I guess I’m not good enough to run it so I’ll be leaving the rest to you, Hikaru!

Hikaru: Oniisan…that’s the first time you called me by my name!!!

Ren: I guess I have to stay in prison for an awful long time…I’ll do my best to be a better Oniisan for you, so please wait alright?

Hikaru: (Hugs Ren) I’ll be waiting Oniisan!

Yuri: (Came back to his senses) SUKI?! SUKI!!! WHAT’S HAPPENING??!!

Suki: (Clenching her chest) I can’t…breathe…

Kota: Hika-papa!!! SUKI?! SUKI!!!

Hikaru: don’t tell me…it’s an attack???

Ren: what?!

Hikaru: our daughter had a very weak heart, she already underwent operation when she’s very young but it’s a very long time already and around this time, another attack may happen…

Kota: SSSSSUUUUUKKKKKIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  They immediately run Suki to the hospital and contacted Kei. Everyone immediately proceeded to the hospital…everyone can’t settle down, getting all uncomfortable and uneasy…when suddenly, the doctor came out with important news…

Doctor: where are the parents of both of the patients?

Hikaru & Kota: we are here!

Doctor: both of the patients were in a very critical stage…the guy had an internal bleeding and lost too much blood, we need a blood donor with Type AB on the other hand, concerning the girl, we have to find a healthy heart to replace hers within 24 hours!

Hikaru: If we ask for overseas…the shipping time will be around 2 days…

Inoo-chan: (Came running) MOM!!! DAD!!!

Kota: Inoo-chan?! What are you doing here?

Inoo-chan: I’m sorry but I can’t really focus and settle down…what’s happening now? Where’s Suki?

Hikaru: she’s in a very critical condition right now…we only have 24 hours to find a replacement heart for her…

Inoo-chan: what?! The last time I saw her…she’s smiling so brightly and now she’s lying like a dead person there… (Fall on her knees) I can’t afford to lose another sibling…

Kota: about that other sibling…

Hikaru: let’s talk about that later…Kota-mama…now’s not the right time.

Kento: (Stand up) Hikaru-san, Kota-san…I really miss my parents and my dream is to just live peacefully with them but fate doesn’t seem to allow that to happen in this world…I already fulfilled my mission here and I just want to be where my parents are…I want to try the test, if my heart in healthy enough and compatible to Suki’s…I don’t mind donating it to her and also to Yuri’s condition!

Yuto: Kento-senpai…

Dai-chan: Senpai…

Kota: (Hugs Kento) Kento-kun…I don’t know how to thank you enough…but are you really sure about this?

Kento: I’ve caused so much trouble to your family and to everyone…even Yuri’s lying on the bed because of me…both Suki and Yuri were unconscious and it’s all because of me…I already think about this, and this is the only way to pay the price of what I’ve done…I want my life to be of any help as much as possible!

Kota: thank you very much!!! (Crying)

Doctor: then let’s go the lab for the test. Are you ready?

Kento: of course!

                  A week had passed after the heart transplant…Kento’s heart was a perfect fit for Suki’s replacement and his blood fortunately Type AB, a suited donor for Yuri. As of now, Kento’s together with his parents already…Suki’s already conscious but Yuri’s still deep in his sleep…Suki went to visit Yuri on the other room just beside her…the two were left alone…

Suki: (Faint cry) Yuri…wake up! We will be late for school now…if we don’t hurry, Sensei will scold us! Oi! Wake up! (Holding Yuri’s hands) (Gently kissed Yuri in the forehead) Stop dreaming about me, I’m already here! I’m gonna punch you if you don’t open your eyes right now…

Yuri: (No response)

Suki: (Crying very hard) I’m so cruel…playing between you and Yuto. I can’t hurt Yuto but I can’t afford to lose you also…what should I do?! Why am I stuck in this kind of situation? I can’t decide properly…

Yuto: (Hiding behind the door) Suki…please don’t cry…

Suki: (Went out of Yuri’s room) (In a wheelchair)

Yuto: (Pushing Suki’s wheelchair) Hello, Suki-chan…

Suki: Yuto?! You surprised me!

Yuto: are you allowed to go outside?

Suki: um! But not in direct sunlight!

Yuto: alright…I have something to tell you…


Yuto: (Put the necklace around Suki’s neck) it really suits you!

Suki: Yuto…I’m really sorry about this…

Yuto: no! Don’t apologize…you’ve sacrifice enough just for our sake… (Inhale) I really love you Suki…

Suki: I really love this necklace…but Yuto…and hard for me to decide right now…I’m pathetic! It’s ok if you got mad or something…that’s what I deserve anyway…

Yuto: (Kneel close to Suki) (Hold her hands) (Crying)

Suki: Yuto…why are you crying? I’m really sorry…

Yuto: Suki…remember that I really love you and I will do anything for your happiness…even if it caused my own happiness…

Suki: Yuto…what are you trying to say?

Yuto: (Lean forward and gently kiss Suki in the lips) I’ll be watching over you from afar! And I swear if Yuri hurt you…I will snatch you away from him! I promise!
Yuri: snatch her away? Try…if you can!


Yuri: from the kiss…

Suki: (Blushes) sorry…

Yuri: Suki…honestly speaking, when you visited me earlier…I’m already awake but I can’t afford to open my eyes and break the atmosphere and (Blushes) the warmth of your hands…I want to feel it more…

Suki: so you mean…even the… (All red O////O)

Yuri: kiss?! I’m very glad after hearing everything that you’ve said because I know that you’re talking with your heart!

Yuto: (Move closer to Yuri) Yuri, I have a final request…

Yuri: what is it?

Yuto: can I punch you? (Immediately punch Yuri really hard that he fell on the ground)


Yuri: Yuto…

Yuto: try to hurt Suki and I’ll give you a lot of bruises and punches even harder and powerful than that!

Yuri: (Smirks) (Stand up) (Hit Yuto in the back) (Whispers) Thanks…

Yuto: (Smiles) (Looks at his wrist watch) OH! Look, it’s already late, have to go now! Bye-bye!

Suki: Yuto…thank you and sorry for everything!

Yuto: (Waving his hand up in the air while facing backward) (Crying behind their backs) (Whispers) Good bye Suki…I wish you all the best…please be happy!

Yuri: I’m planning to find my true parents, but unexpected events like this happened that change my mind…I guess there’s no reason for finding them anymore since you’re here by my side and that’s enough!

Suki: (Move closer to Yuri) (Hold his hands) I’m very thankful to them for giving birth to a wonderful person like you!  

Yuri: I’m kinda glad knowing that I’m not a real son of Ren-san…

Suki: WHY?!

Yuri: Your father, Hikaru-san and Ren-san were brothers, If I’m a real son…were cousins and our love will be forbidden and strongly opposed by the two sides and I don’t want that!

Suki: you’re right!

Kota: SUKI!!!!

Suki: MOM! You surprised me! What happened?

Kota: (Hugs Suki) I thought you’re gone!!!

Suki: Mom…it’s alright now…where’s Dad and Inoo neechan?

Kota: just wait, Inoo-chan will be here in any moment…

Inoo-chan: SUKI!!!

Kota: see? Inoo-chan, Suki...your father and I have someone to introduce to you…Hika-papa, Ryu-chan come here…

Suki: who’s that kid?

Inoo-chan: Ryu-chan?! But he’s already…

Hikaru: the nurse accidentally mixed the documents and switch them up…finding the truth is quite shocking for the both of us and we don’t know how to say it to you Inoo-chan…forgive Mom and Dad ok?

Suki: so that kid is…

Kota: yeah…Ryu-chan is your little brother Suki!

Suki: wwaahhh!!! Really???!! It’s amazing! Can I hug you Ryu-chan?

Ryu-chan: Inoo neechan! Sukichan!

                  Ryu-chan came running toward both of his Neechans and hug each other very tight like there’s no tomorrow whick makes their parents very happy and Yuri too.

~~~AFTER 10 YEARS~~~

                  It’s been a long time, let’s start off with Ren, no, I mean Jesse’s current condition! He spent so many years reflecting inside the prisoner and got out properly following the right process. He even became the Vice President of the company together with Hikaru! It may be shocking but in the end, the Cat-Dog relationship of Kei and Yuya blossom into something unexpected! They got married a year ago. Yuto became a professional photographer and Dai-chan became a splendid model! Her face was being shown in different magazines and commercials. Rumors were spreading that Yuto and Dai-chan were dating together with many paparazzi shots and fan reports seeing them always together and looks so sweet together. Inoo-chan, despite being a fine arts graduate followed her dreams to become a professional pianist and music producer! Her name is very popular and sound so big in the Music Industry together with her most successful product… “YamaChi”… “YamaChi” is one of the most crowd-crazy and airing couples in the Music Industry! This “undefeatable” DUO just had their debut last year and yet their fame sky-racketed like no other! They’re known for their soothing, calm and sweet love songs with piano as their only accompaniment! Suki and Yuri both worked on the lyrics and Inoo-chan composes the music. Ryu-chan focuses on his studies and became the Student Body’s President, a highly respected Senpai in his school. Kota-mama and Hika-papa had their full support on their children’s chosen path and live a very happy and peaceful life without being controlled by wealth and fame.

~~~THE END~~~

1 comment:

  1. お願いします!


    Thank you!
    I am happy!
    My tears flowed at the end ^^//
